Chapter 3: Proposal

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      A week had passed since MiA and Tsuzuku's little... Game you could say. MiA was in much better condition than he was before. But, MiA had noticed Tsuzuku being a little strange lately. He had started to get more stutterer. MiA thought about confronting Tsuzuku about it, but didn't want him to be like METO who rarely spoke.- unless it was to the band or Koichi- Tsuzuku wasn't one to be like that, but he was acting like METO a lot... MiA didn't want to lose Tsuzuku... His Tsuzuku.

       MiA decided to confront Tsuzuku about the situation. He walked up to Tsuzuku after they had finished their last performance of the week. "Tsuzuku, you've been acting strange lately. Why is that?" he asked. Tsuzuku tensed at MiA's words. "I-I don't know what you're talking about..." Tsuzuku shot back. MiA was aware of the quickness of Tsuzuku's voice, causing him to become more suspicious. "Tsuzuku, you can tell me anything. I mean c'mon I am your boyfriend after all." MiA said, hoping he could make Tsuzuku spill. But, it was like a waist of breath. Tsuzuku only shook his head.

       Later, Tsuzuku finished washing all his makeup off, gave MiA a hug, kissed him goodbye, and walked home. MiA sat in a dark room alone. Everyone had gone home. Usually, Tsuzuku didn't leave MiA alone. MiA soon felt hot tears rolling down his face. He thought about what Tsuzuku had been acting like. Maybe Tsuzuku didn't really love MiA. Maybe it was all in his head. No! He couldn't-wouldn't- think like that. Tsuzuku loved him. They had just Netflix and chilled for crying out loud! Then again, maybe Tsuzuku's love was just a hoax, like when a celebrity dies of some weird death. MiA couldn't stop all the bad thoughts from coming to his head until METO, Tsuzuku, and Koichi, walked in.

       MiA stood up and looked at them weird. Koichi and METO walked across from each other between MiA and Tsuzuku. Tsuzuku slowly walked over to MiA, a hand behind his back. When he reached MiA, Tsuzuku got down on one knee and pulled out a silky black box. "MiA..." he began, opening the box. "MiA, will you marry me?" he asked. MiA's eyes watered as he stared at Tsuzuku. He wanted to answer, but was in too much shock. So, he shook his head 'yes'. Tsuzuku smiled and slipped the ring on MiA's finger, hugging him tightly. "I love you MiA." Tsuzuku said. MiA smiled into Tsuzuku's chest. "I love you to Tsuzuku."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2015 ⏰

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