Making Planet Earth Livable

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A.P.J Abdul Kalam once said "Let us sacrifice our today so that so that our children can have a better tomorrow" . If we take a look around us today, we only see people trying to accomplish their goals and ambitions not realizing the damage they are doing to the environment .If we keep polluting our world it will probably die out and before us. The effects of our careless polluting habits is the disappearance of the ozone layer. The ozone layer has a hole in the middle which is caused by the pollution .The ozone layer's hole is causing heat to be trapped in the atmosphere which is causing all the ice to melt. This can lead to extensive habitat destruction. We need to save the planet and help it by: cleaning up our mess, recycling , and by using other means to travel instead of cars. It may be hard but we must try to save our Earth. Life in the future has many uncertainties. Will there be flying cars? Will the movie 'The Martian' come into reality? Everyone has their questions. But will all of this be achievable if we don't take care of our earth? Every day, we take advantage of how fragile our environment truly is. Therefore we should start executing plans with the main focus of sustainable development . New technology is constantly being created to improve our lifestyles, new ideas are being shared to enlighten and pique the interests of our people, and we are using these ideas and technologies to industrialize our planet. All these technologies are tarnishing Mother Earth in the name of making Earth "better place to live in " . How can we improve the way we live our lives then? Well, for starters we can limit the time we use our technology, and create good environmental habits. We can also use alternative energy sources such as geothermal, hydroelectric, wind, and solar energies. We have to try to use our ideas to create machines that benefit the environment, rather than destroy it. Eight planets in the Solar System , Thousands of planets in the Milky Way , Millions of estimated planets in the Universe and Earth is the only one habitable for humans . Our planet is way more precious than it is treated . The environment is not the only problem that the human race has to tackle, there is one more problem that is taking the lives of men, women and children everyday-WAR . Opening the newspaper every day in the morning ,we are faced with horrific articles about war, disasters, violence and death. On the route to attain resources , political power and world domination the lives of many people are being crushed under the shoes of war .We can conclude that there is something wrong with our progress and if we do not evict it in time there could be disastrous consequences for the future of humanity . Almost a century after World War-1 and seventy years after World War–2 the human race has not come about to learn from it's past mistakes . There are too many problems on this planet for any one country to solve. As single nations, we cannot Global Warming. However, as a united group of people living on the same planet, we can reverse the wanton destruction of our Earth. We need to solve disagreements words and treaties, not with weapons and killings. We, as today's youth, and future of this planet can change all of this and take back Mother Earth to it's glorious and happy days .

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 24, 2015 ⏰

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