Chapter one: Emily

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"Stupid dance practice" I grumbled. I didn't understand why we couldn't just end at 10 like we normally do. We could have simply added the finishing touches tomorrow. "Now I have to walk home alone at this time of night WITH my ankle killing me, WHAT THE HELL!!!" When I checked my phone, I saw that it was 12:03 in the damned morning. And I still had a long way to go. Hopefully someone I know will drive by and offer me a ride home as I'm walking, As if. "Why did mommy have to go to that convention?" I asked myself. The struggle is real. I knew I should have taken that driving test when I had the chance to. Then maybe this wouldn't have happened and I would have been home already.

My name is Emily Hornet. I'm 16 about to be 17 in a couple of weeks. And my main passion in life is dancing! I mean there's just something about it; once the music comes on I can't help but move my body to the beat. I have been like that ever since I was young; at least that's what mom said. But today while I was spinning, I messed up my ankles. Just cause I didn't stretch enough and because my feet was in the wrong place. Go figure. But oh well. I lived In Spring valley. It's a small place in New York, which a lot of people don't know about. It's kind of like the country side, I mean we still have the city and all that good stuff but we had a lot of forest and trees. Around here it gets dark really early. It starts getting dark around 6:30-7 and sometimes if we're lucky it might get dark around 7:30-8. But I'm not complaining because when the sun sets, it's the most beautiful thing. I mean the sky gets all orange and red with streaks of purple and yellow here and there. And honestly it's the most BEAUTIFUL sight. Well at least to me. It's one of those things in life that you have to see for yourself in order to truly understand what I mean. But anyway back to the point I was making. If it starts to get dark that early, imagine how dark it must be now. AND on top of that I'm WALKING ALONE IN THE DARK WITH MY ANKLE KILLING ME.

But I'm also a cheerleader at my high school, GOOOOOO VIPERS!!!! I'm a pretty preppy and cheerful girl, If I do say so myself. But anyway I'm a cheerleader, a great dancer(If I have any say in that matter) and I'm a pretty tall girl at that.... Well Compared to like every single girl I know. I am 5'8( and 3/4, sadly), I have brown eyes that look hazel in the sunlight (so I have been told), I have the softest curliest Afro compared to everyone else in my opinion, and I love to smile. No I'm not cocky, or overly confident, I just I think I am one of the few girls that are actually very happy with their body. I mean what is there not love right? The way I see it you will have your body for the rest of your life might as well learn to love it duhhh! So let's go back to my situation.

I sighed and started digging in my bag for my phone stopping for a split second. If I'm going to be walking all alone in the dark I should at least call someone. I mean God forbids something happened, right? When I finally found my phone I looked at the time. It was now 12:36. I have been walking for 33 minute. I sighed again. "I hope Mary is awake" I muttered to myself. Mary was my best friend. Her actual name was Christina Marie Anderson. We were best friends since birth. It's crazy isn't it? She is more of my sister rather than a best friend. Her older brother and my older brother are best friends too.

I pressed the number 3 on my phone (I have her on speed dial). And I waited and waited for her to pick up.


"Come on"


"Please don't tell me you fell asleep already"


"Urgggggg, what is life?"

"Hi you have reached Christina Marie And-"

"Oh whatever". I looked up and started seeing lights. I was getting closer to the city now so in about 20-30 minutes I should be home. I shouldn't complain though at least this longggggggggggg walk can serve as my work out, cause God knows I WILL feel the burns in my thighs and feet when I wake up tomorrow. I started digging in my bag again for my iPod. I started listening to Brad Paisley-Then. Did I mention that I absolutely LOVED country music?!?!?!? There's just something about it that I love. Maybe it's the way I relate, or how it sounds... I JUST LOVE IT!

My sprit starts picking up a bit and I start walking faster, and smiling.

---------------25 minutes later--------------

"OH MAH GOSH IM HOME" I yelled. I unlocked the door and went in. It was pitch black inside being that no one was home yet. Daddy doesn't get home until 2:30-ish, mom will be coming home in a couple of days, and my brother worked at night. It's was 1:01 a.m. That gave me about an hour and a half of alone time. I turned on all the lights (I'm scared of the dark, isn't that ironic being that I just walked home In the dark?) and went straight to my room. I needed my ankle brace. My ankle was KILLING me and I couldn't stand it. I changed into my shorts and tank and put on my brace. I heard my stomach grumble.

I grabbed my iPod and phone and headed down stairs to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and stuck my head inside. There had to be some type of food in here. I searched for about two minutes before I gave up and just decided to make a sandwich. I pulled out turkey, cheese, bread, BBQ sauce and mayo. I started washing the knife when I suddenly realized that this silence had an eerie feel to it. So I grabbed my iPod and started playing Luke Bryan- Kiss tomorrow goodbye. I started dancing and singing along.

"Ain't gunna beg you to stay, gotta ask you what wrong"

"Ain't no reason running after something already gone"

"Take off your evening dress; let's do what we do best"

"I guess everybody gots their way of moving on""

"Girl rest your head one more time in my bed and love me like you loved when you loved me and you didn't have to try"

"Let's lay down tonigttttt and kiss tomorrow goodbye"

I put the sandwich in the microwave and cleaned up the kitchen counter and poured myself some juice. I walked to the living room and sat everything down and looked at the time. It was 1:32 now. An hour of free time left. I turned the tv on and turned to MTV and started watching girl code. That is one of my favorite shows. As much as I may not want to admit it, girl code was telling the truth most of the time.

When the show was over I looked at the clock, 2:00. I cleaned up my mess and turned off the tv. I washed my hands and headed upstairs. "Urg I need to take a shower" I stared at the bed debating what I should do. I sighed and grabbed my towel and stripped my clothes off and wrapped my towel around me.

I dragged my body to the bathroom. Dropping my towel and stepping In to the tub, I turned the hot water on to try and release the tension in my ankle. In about 30 minutes I turned off the water and stepped out. I grabbed my towel and headed to my room. I pulled on my shorts, tank, and my ankle brace. I dragged my body into my bed and was about to fall asleep when my dad stuck his head into my room and said "goodnight honey" I forced my eyes open and said "night daddy". I quickly fell into a deep sleep, although as I was falling asleep I could have sworn I saw a pair of eyes staring at me. It was vivid green, kind of like easing me more towards sleep. The last thing I saw before my eyes finally closed was two fangs....

*Hey guys this is the end of the first chapter, it was kind of boring but I wanted to introduce Emily to you guys so you can see who she is so to speak. There is one more chapter introducing another character, oh and sorry it was short I do intend on making the chapters longer. And I think that's all please leave your comments down below I really would like it if got some feedback :-) hope you enjoyed*

-Miss Lizzy-

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