Chapter 19

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Happy October!
You will notice that this is an extra long chapter. The first part is Tasha's POV of the Chester POV chapter. Feel free to skim over that, I know it's kind of redundant, but it was necessary for publishing later on. :)

*Chester rolls into the room in shiny cranberry colored rollerskates.* "Don't think for a minute that you can win me over with the expensive presents you've been buying us. I'm still angry with you for writing my point of view."

Me: "I don't know. You seem pretty attached to those skates." *Smirk.*

Chester: "Nonsense. I'm waiting for Tasha to get her's laced up. This is an activity she enjoys, so we're doing it together." *He spins on his heels and glides backwards away from me with crossed arms, looking rather bored.*

Me: "Mmm hmm. And you can't tell me you haven't had fun playing with your new espresso machine."

Chester: "I burned my finger learning how to use the blasted thing. I wouldn't exactly call that fun."

Me: "Then I suppose you won't like the shiny new Porche in the driveway." *Dangles keys.*

*Chester rockets past me In the skates and swipes the keys.* "TASHA! Get out here! We're going for a drive!"


When Chester finally moves to be in the back seat with me, he's restless and more nervous than I've ever seen him.

He'd told me he loved me earlier and I know he hadn't been anywhere near ready to do that. While one of his personality traits is brutal honesty, he's not the the type of guy to throw his affections around so lightly, so suddenly, without easing into it with some kind of plan. It doesn't take a genius to figure out he's worried about whether or not he's messed things up with me by telling me he loved me.

I do my best to put his mind at ease without bringing it up. I hold his coffee for him while he fastens his seat belt and then afterwards, I lounge against him with a magazine I found shoved in the back seat. He puts his arm around me and while I relax, he doesn't. His mind is too jumbled with what he considers an unresolved issue still existing between us. After a few minutes, he brings his mouth down to my ear and tucks a strand of my hair back. His hot breath on my neck makes me shiver.

"Tasha? We're still OK, aren't we?" The question is so quiet that I almost don't hear it. I tip my head back to look up at him and my heart goes out to him, because the poor guy looks absolutely terrified.

"Why wouldn't we be?" I blink up at him. While he's naturally confident in some areas, Ariel had effectively destroyed his faith in people, making him insecure.

He begins to stutter, flustered. "You know...because I...earlier when I..." He takes a deep breath. "When I told you that I love you. I didn't know if...well if it..." He clenches his eyes with a wince and then opens them. "...changed things between us?" He says in an adorable rush. His eyes are wide and panicked, his breathing rapid. He can face an army of trained killers without breaking a sweat, but this has him so nervous I'm afraid he's going to need a barf bag. I know if I'd say I only want to be friends, he'd back off. He'd keep his feelings to himself, he's that type of person. He wouldn't pursue me if he wasn't sure that I would welcome it.

Heaven forbid he made anyone uncomfortable by loving them.

"Aw. Did you think you scared me off with that? We'll always be OK, Chester." I pat his cheek. Some of the tension evaporates from his features, but he's still on edge. He looks kind of lost that doesn't come with a map and compass.

"I mean it." I say. "You believe me, right?"

"Of course. I'm sorry, I was just lost in my thoughts for a moment."


"Whew! Good! You had that look."

"What look?"

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