Chapter Three

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The night wolf POV (yay Its The night wolf point of view.)
I growled at the diamond wolf in front of me as she was talk to her wolf whom my wolf said her name was Crystal and the human name is Angel Nightfall I guess she was from the Moonray pack now I know what pack to visit later and try to make a peace treaty with I growled and sighed at the same time and I saw Angel fly away from me Her wolf Crystal is upset she couldn't stay and chat Demon my wolf said Well its her choice to stay or go she'll be back with us later I replied the chains around my neck was itchy and I sat down and scratched at my neck with my back left paw and I had forgotten about my claws being razor sharp and I cut my neck but not enough to kill me it just made me bleed a little bit. Once the diamond wolf was gone I walked back to my pack house.
I made it back just in time before the sun began to raise I didn't like be be outside during the day so I ran back inside before the sun light could touch my fur. Once I was inside the pack house I was hugged by my mother whom is the same colored wolf I was just not a night wolf. I never was in human form since I'm stuck being a night wolf I was born like this most people though my family had a curse which is true but not all of it just the fact I have to wear the damned chains all time my father died when I was ten so I never really had time to learn anything about being an Alpha. Most of my pack members are either dark colored wolf or another dark colored were animal.
Once my mom let go she had ask How was your run in the woods I looked up and wagged my tail three times Mom knew what I was trying say and she gasp dramatically which only annoyed me more so I growled Okay grumpy dog no more dramatic effect She said as I began to walk off back to my room I heard her say something under her breath I barked Nothing Alpha She quickly said I snored and walked away not taking anyone's bullshit for the day. So once I got to my room I slammed the door shut and locked it behind me. I taught myself how to lock the damned bloody door. I walked over to my bed only to see what worst pack memeber here and she is a fucking whore so I kicked her out of my room and I walked over to my bed and jumped onto the soft blanket and within a few seconds I fell into a deep dreamless slumber.
(Now back to Angels POV.)
I sat down on my bed thinking of what the fuck just happen.
I grabbed my favorite necklace with a diamond heart my grandmother had given me her necklace before she past away I wear it everyday never taking it off so I put it back on and I went back to sleep for a bit.
(A few hour later.)
I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock going off so early why u may ask because some of our pack member died trying to fight off another pack during a run and the Alpha and his son where both killed during the fight so now I'm the new Alpha and I have to let my pack know that I'm a werewolf a leader of this pack never has secrets from the pack nor would I tell a lie to them.
I'm willing to do anything for my pack I would even take a silver bullet for them and that's saying a lot.
I lazy got up from bed and walked towards my closet and grabbed a black long sleeved shirt and my black pants and I grabbed a few other thing I need and lazy walked towards the bathroom lucky me its in my room.
(A few minutes later the time skip brought to you by a lazy author.)
After the funeral I had the cooks prepare a feast because a few other different packs where here with us at the time of the funeral and they decided to stay for dinner.
One of the Alpha of another pack had ask Who is going to be Alpha of this pack I turned towards him and I said I will I learned more from my father who is has a pack in Germany The Alpha nodded his head in agreement Wait are you a human Alpha Leo ask No I'm not a human I said every one stopped what they where doing I got up out of my chair and walked outside with everyone following me
Once outside and the night sky clear of any clouds and the moon was full I shift into wolf form I heard many gasp and other whispering to each other some of the different pack alphas where shocked my mother nearly past out.
I unfolded my wings and stood up on my hind paws and howled into the night sky getting many of the pack to turn their attention to me once all eyes where on me Most of you may know I'm a diamond wolf some might not know what a diamond wolf is but its a rare type of wolf born with crystal wings and a diamond heart in the center of its forehead more diamonds appear later as it gets older but some diamond wolves won't grow pass the size of a normal werewolf I prove wrong I grew up bigger then an Alpha and my Alpha of my old pack I said getting others attention I looked at everyone whom had wide eyes and some jaws dropped Some wolves who's jaws dropped you might want to close your mouth before you catch a fly I said some wolves chuckled at what I said to others.
I heard a howl of a night wolf it sounded like he want to come over so I howled back saying no but I heard another howl again but I just ignored it.
(A/n. That's all for this chapter bye bye for now.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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