The One With The Kiss In The Dark

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The night of the big Halloween party

'Eren I look ridiculous!' Levi sighed and spun around more so all angles of his body could be seen in the long mirror on the wall.

'It doesn't look bad, Levi! In a way it kind of suits you.' I smirked a little at him and look at the little maid dress he was now wearing. Levi had decided to take me up on my offer so here he was, standing in his room, In the dress he will be wearing to my Halloween party.

I took a moment to admire Levi's body as he mumbled angrily in the mirror. He was short. A good few inches shorter than me but he had long skinny legs which complimented his hips perfectly. His ass looked firm yet I imagine it would be really soft to touch. The dress was short meaning it just covered what it needed too but it was still very revealing. I tore my eyes away from him for a moment when he began to speak to me again.

'Eren. Isn't there something else I can wear? I know i'm your maid an all but this really isn't funny.' He sighed and pulled at the dress in an obvious attempt to make it longer at the front.

'You agreed to this. You said you would do it so a deals a deal, Levi.' I said softly and nodded a little before heading towards the door of his room. 'it looks good on you.'

I walked out of his room and headed back into my own to change into my own outfit. Only an hour to go until the guests would be arriving. Levi wasn't working the party. I gave him the night off. I wasn't ready for anyone to know that he was my maid yet so for now he is just a friend from out of town that i've know since I was little, who is visiting for a while. That was the story we had both agreed on and it sounded pretty believable. No one was going to know any different or suspect we were hiding anything. Well, we were hoping they wouldn't. I really didn't feel like being questioned by Hanji or Erwin about why I have a maid and why he lives in my apartment.


Levi helped me to put up the last of the decorations around the place before the door bell went, telling us that our first guest or guests had arrived. I could see that Levi was feeling a little nervous as I opened up the door only to be greeted by the biggest bear hug from Hanji and a polite wave from Erwin who was stood beside her.

'Wow! the place looks great. You really out did yourself this year, Eren.' Hanji grinned excitedly as she let go of me and stepped inside of my apartment. She was dressed as what I assumed was some kind of crazy scientist. Erwin who followed behind her and had a look around was dressed as what looked like a cowboy commander type thing.

'Why thank you. I actually had some help.' I smiled softly and gestured to Levi who was now awkwardly standing by my side, looking a little sheepish.

'Oh? and who is this handsome man?!' Hanji beamed and gave Levi a quick once over, taking in his features.

'This is my old friend-'

'Levi.' He said politely, cutting me off before I could finish my sentence. He held out his hand for Hanji to shake it and smiled softly.

'Oh honey we don't do none of that hand shaking business around here!' she beamed and pulled him into a tight hug, almost squeezing all of the air out of him.

Hanji spent the next hour while the guests were arriving, quizzing Levi on his life and scolding me for never mentioning him before to her or telling her he would be at the party so they would meet. I shot a small smile in Levi's direction, silently thanking him for going along with the story and for putting up with her crazy antics. From personal experience, she can be a little too much to handle at times. Seeing Levi in that dress only made my mind wander back to thinking of the incident that I witnessed the other day. I quickly tried to shake the thoughts and made an announcement that we would be playing a game. I had a few ideas in mind but everyone voted on spin the bottle. My stomach was in knots. Last time I had played this game it hadn't ended very well. Erwin suggested that to avoid embarrassment who ever had to kiss who, should go into my room and close the door so no one has to watch. I agreed to this and quickly fetched an empty plastic bottle from my counter and everyone sat down on the floor in a circle, ready to commence play.

'Come on Eren! it's your turn! Lets see who you have to kiss!' My friend Sasha yelled at me from the other side of the circle. I was dreading it but I knew I had to take my turn. I spun the bottle carefully and watched as it whirled around on the spot before it eventually stopped. I looked around to see who it had landed on and mentally cursed myself. Shit. Levi.

I watched as Levi began to look a little more pale and annoyed than usual whilst he got up from the carpet and wandered over to me. He was a little drunk and so was I but he still held out his hand for me and I got up from the carpet, making my way to my room, closing the door behind us.

'Levi we don't have to do this if you don't-'

'Shut up, shitty brat.' And that's when I felt soft lips come crashing against mine in an almost desperate heat. I quickly responded to the kiss, allowing Levi to stay in control.

Levi grazed his tongue across my bottom lip and I quickly parted my lips allowing him entrance to my mouth. I really didn't know what to expect next but the feeling of him dominantly exploring my mouth with his tongue sent my brain into complete meltdown. I couldn't think straight and my eyes were slowly clouding with pure lust and desire. The kiss got a little rougher as it went along and Levi pushed my up against my own wall roughly and slowly began to slide his hands up my shirt, undoing each button carefully. I would have protested at this but the feeling of his pale, slender fingers trailing across my now slightly exposed tan skin sent shivers down my spine and I couldn't even form a proper word in my brain let alone from my mouth. About a second later, I watched as Levi's eyes widened with shock and he quickly removed himself from me, adjusting his dress a little.

'Eren. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.' He said softly and watched as I began to fasten to buttons of my shirt again quickly.

'It's fine..' I choked out softly, my mind still trying to register exactly what happened. Both of us are drunk so by any luck we won't remember this in the morning and that will save us one hell of an awkward conversation.

It wasn't the conversation I was worried about. I was more worried about the feeling that had now settled in my stomach as I tried to compose myself again before we had to leave my room. Was that.. Butterflies..?

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