Jade Sight of Fierce Eagle [Skalya]

113 6 33

A friendly reminder to everyone: this is a Name that Tribe Cat! Your entered name must have at least two parts! Example (don't use, they're terrible): Jade Whiskers or Jade that is in Stone.
Suggested by @Rivaled
Light brown she-cat with white patches

Available slots
Jade that Hides in Creek
Jade that Basks on Stone
Jade which Glimmers in Snow
Jade Sight of Fierce Eagle
Jade that Hides within Rock
Jade that Glimmers in Moonlight
Jade Eyes that Hide the Moon
Jade that Resides in Silent Eyes
Jade that Falls into Water
Jade Leaves on Tree
Jade behind Roaring Waterfall
Jade that Rises at Dawn
Jade Eyes
Jade that Loses its Glow
Jade that Hides in Heart
Jade that Sparkles in Cave
Jade of Ancient Stars
Jade that Runs in the River
Jade that Glows in River
Jade that Shimmers in the Sun

1. Jade Sight of Fierce Eagle
2. Jade which Glimmers in Snow
3. Jade that Resides in Silent Eyes

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