Prank Gone Wrong

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  "C'mon! It'll be fun!" They all say,Perfectly in sync. It's the middle of the 6th grade year and somehow Kira, my friend, convinced us to meet her here. Now, I wouldn't be here if a little voice in back of my head wasn't pushing me forward to come here with my friends.

  "Why are we here anyway?" I ask as Zach tries to open the door. Charell just walks over to him while he was struggling and plainly opened the door with no effects, Except Zach making a big deal out of it.

  "We're going to pull a prank on Mrs.Hoffer!" Kira says joyfully as she leaps into the building.

  "This is going to end up well..." I mutter under my breath as I enter the buliding shortly after. When we were all in the buliding we grouped up, Girls with Girls and Boys with Boys. We went to our assigned stations. I believe that me,Charell,and Kira are going to do the prank and Anthony, Michael, and Zach were going to keep watch for Teachers or Mrs.Harrison.

  It's about 3am when we hear footsteps, Half way done with our prank. "Hide!" Kira scream-whispered as she jumped to hide underneath Mrs Hoffer's desk. Me and Charell did the same and his in the closets, Not together though. I hear someone enter the room and I whimper." Get off of me!" Kira yells as I hear her kick the metal Desk,Trying to escape from someone. I close my eyes tightly.

  "Don't ever sneak in here again," Says someone, Probably Mrs.Hoffer. Kira kicks the metal Desk again and floor, As if she is running from something or someone. The next moment made me want to cry. Kira let out a blood curdling scream as I hear a thump. The footsteps leave the room. 1 minute later Charell and I come put of our closets at the same time and....

We saw Kira,On the ground. She laid in a pool of blood. She was as white as a potato with her once happy face turned into a frown.

"Oh my god..." Charell began as she freaked out." Did Mrs.Hoffer-" I put my hand over her mouth,Trying to keep her quiet.

"Hoffer might hear us. " I said as I gently began to remove my hand from her mouth."Yes, I'm guessing Mrs.Hoffer did kill her...." Charell looked around frantically, as if she was searching for something.

Her eyes finally landed on the closet that I emerged out of." Since when does Mrs.Hoffer have robots?" She pointed to the closet. I turned around and saw six silicone robots. They were all life sized, with different sizes, and most of them seemed to be as tall, or taller, than Mr.Tagg!

"Holy crap.." I mumbled as I began to back away slowly from the closet. I grabbed Charell's wrist and began to run out of the room, Dragging her with me." We have to get out of here!!" Charell was going to open her mouth until we heard metal clanking. We both turned around and saw one of the robots, a smaller one, walking out of the room. It turned it's head and looked at us with evil, red eyes. We just began running down the steps when we heard robotic screams coming from the top floor.

"We have to hide!" Charell yelled as we made our way to a random room, The robot just coming down the steps.
The school never looked so creepy at night, almost it is like a whole nother place. A bit of fog,probably from the Air conditioning, caused an even creepier effect. We finally made it to a room and began to push the metal desk against the wooden door. We both slid along it and finally sat down on the ground.
(I'm not looking at my Journal anymore because I'm in public)
"What is wrong with this school?" Charell heaved. I looked over at her, Her brown hair was standing on ends,like a crazy person.

"What do you mean?" I asked her as I pulled out my phone, desperate to call for help.

"Robots and Killer Teachers.." She looked over at me,Down at my phone."Any luck?"

"Nope," I answered."No bars.." I put away my phone and heard glass break. We both looked up and saw the robot with it's hand through the small glass window in the door. Charell and I shot up and started to hit it's arm with books.

"G-Go A-Away!" Charell screamed with a hit of fear in her voice. The robot screeched and Grabbed Charell's arm,Trying to pull her out the window. Charell tried to pull away but it was no use, The robot was too strong. It pulled Charell's arm through the glass, Scraping it on the jagged edges of the window. Charell screamed as the blood seeped from the punctures.

I started beating the thing's arm while screaming, "GET OFF OF HER!!" Just after that, My vision went black.....

~1 year later~

"Ok students!" I heard Mrs.Hale exclaim. I opened my eyes while hearing a voice in the back of my head saying "Power On." I looked behind me and saw a kid with blonde hair and nervous hazel eyes playing with my back. Our eyes met and he looked away.

"Can you hear me?" He asked nervously. I nodded my head,Unable to speak. He let out a sigh and walked away.

The kid seems familiar.........

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2015 ⏰

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