Chapter 5

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Tristan's POV
"Call me tomorrow?" Anastasia asked. "Of course! Just don't spam me with too much texts" I told her. We hugged then I quickly pecked her on the lips and went into the tour bus.

When I entered the tour bus, I could hear the sound of snoring. Really loud snoring. It's like someone left a pig in one of the bunks and forgot about it then it fell asleep.

Aside from snoring, I heard someone talk.


"Tris, don't do this to me!"

"What did I do? What did I do"

Brad was having some sort of nightmare. I quickly went to his bunk and tried to wake him up. "Brad! Wake up!" I said while shaking him back and forth

He woke up panting. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah. I-it was just a b-bad dream" he stuttered.

"What happened?" I asked. "I dreamt that the four of us went out to eat, then you told me to go with you somewhere, and I said 'yes'. You brought me to this alley, then you brought out something. I think it was a blade. Then you told me that you needed to do this because it was the right thing. Then you... You...." He burst into sobs.

"I what?" I asked. " you stabbed me in the tummy" he said while rubbing his tummy. "Don't cry, Brad" I said while rubbing his back. He then calmed down a bit then shuffled nearer to the edge of the bunk to hug me.

"Sorry if I startled you, but thanks for caring" he said with his now croaky voice. "Anytime Brums" I said while smiling really weird. He seemed to blush for some reason.

"I'll go to sleep now" he said. "Oh, okay. G'night!" I said then hugged him tighter. After a few seconds, I let him go and went to my bunk bed. Upon laying down, my phone vibrated, new text

Anastasia: Passed by McDonald's and saw their new sign for their French fries. It said "Tall, blonde and gorgeous". Are they talking about you?😝😎✌️😆

Tristan: At least I have a product that has my characteristics😎😝👍

Heh. McDonald's is the best

Brad's POV
"Brad!! Wake up!!! Your sleeping heart!!!" James sang while trying to get me off my bunk bed. "I know you're try in' to wake me up, but no more playing tough. My Jems, your hems, are cuffed!!" I said while getting off the bed and reaching for his pants' hem.

"Your so weird" he said. "Why did you have to wake me up so early anyway?" I asked him while rubbing my tired eyes.

"Joe said that we were going to do a cover of some song and we had to wake up early." He said. "A cover? It's been a long time since we've made one" I said. "That's why he wants us to make one" he said.

I went straight to the mini kitchen to make some hot chocolate. (Since I don't drink coffee). I tried to reach the small cabinet on top but since I was pretty small, I obviously couldn't reach it.

"Need some help?" A croaky voice asked. I turned around to see Tristan. He looks GORGEOUS in the morning. Even if his hair looks messy. I snapped out of my trance and asked him to get the cup and the hot chocolate mix.

"Here you go Bradwee" he said. "Th-thanks" I stuttered. He handed the things to me. His hand brushed slightly on mine causing me to smile a bit.

I turned around and started to heat the milk. And I had this huge smile plastered on my face which wouldn't go away. God, I am in love with him. After a few minutes, someone knocked on the door of the bus. "I'll get it!" James said while rushing to the door.

"Its Anastasia" James said. When Tristan heard James, he ran out of the tour bus and hugged Anastasia. James looked at me with worried eyes thinking I might cry again.

Don't cry Brad. Don't be a wimp

But I am a wimp

Maybe you are one. But keep it together. Anastasia won't be the reason you will cry

"Trissy, can you go to the mall with me? Please?" Anastasia pouted. "Sure, Babe" he said while wrapping his arm around her waist. After they started walking to her car, she gave me and James a glare and turned around. Mean

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