The Awakening

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I don't own any of the characters. I had to put it here because it wouldn't save in description. Hope you like it.
Natsu was sound asleep in his bed when he had a strong urge. He woke with a start and sweat was literally pouring down his forehead and neck. He hurried to the bathroom adjacent to his bedroom. He splashed cool water in his face and got ready to go to the guild. He and Happy ate breakfast of scrambled eggs and crispy bacon. As they headed towards the guild, Natsu got the same urge again but stronger. He had to stop so he wouldn't fall over because of the intensity. They finally arrived at the guild were as soon as the both of them walked in they noticed something was missing. Lucy and Erza were at their normal table talking to each other when they noticed Natsu and Happy come in. They waved them over. Then it hit Natsu like a cannonball would a ship. Were was Gray? He asked Lucy and Erza urgently and they both shrugged and said " We haven't seen him since yesterday. Maybe he got sick or something." He was starting to grow worry some. Normally when he arrived, he and Gray would start to fight and bicker over nothing. He also knew that Gray doesn't get sick easily. He stood up and said to no one in particular "I'm going to go look for him." Lucy and Erza stood abruptly and said that they would help look. They ran out of the guild and started to look around town.
Gray tried looking back to see how he got into this mess. Currently he is tied with a rope in a dark and cold dungeon. It all started yesterday on the walk home. "Bye guys. See you later." He said to his friends. Then he swiftly exited so he could get home. He was in a rush because he was going to check up on his other best friend, Lyon. He hasn't been feeling well these past couple days. He had been tired and felt paranoid. He was halfway home when he got the feeling that someone was following him. Feeling paranoid he turned around to find no one there. He turned back around and continued to walk. Then he heard footsteps that weren't his. He hurriedly turned around to find nothing there. He spun back around to come face to face with a guy holding a needle filled with a clear-looking liquid. He took a step back. In a stuttering voice he asked "W-who are y-you and w-what do you want w-with me?" The man took giant steps forward. Gray stepped backward until he collided with a solid object. He swivelled his head back to see another man but this one is a bit more masculine. He rushed forward to get away from him. The man, holding the needle, chuckled evilly as the man from behind stepped forward and grabbed ahold of his arms so he couldn't get away. The other man bent down and whispered into his ear "Have sweet dreams my little pretty." Gray soon felt a pinch. His vision started to grow dark. The last thing he heard before he went unconscious was " Our boss is going to be so proud of us." Thinking back makes him feel like an idiot. He knew there had been recent kidnappings in the area. He knew it was people around his age and of all genders, yet he still walked home alone. All of a sudden he hears the metal door screech open. He grimaces at the sound. He looks over and gapes at what he sees. The person who walks in is a man little older than him and is way more masculine. He almost touched the top of the door frame when he walked in. In a gruff voice he says " Welcome Gray Fullbuster we have been expecting you." He was too stunned to speak. The people who captured him knew his name. This was not good. " We hope to have you join us but from the information we have gathered you are loyal to your guild. It looks like we have to break you but I will give you chance to join us willing and still have your pride. Gray took only seconds to answer. " No way assholes. I would never join you even if you kill me." The man smiled. He liked this youngster. "If that's the case then I will torture you until you beg on your hands and knees to join us." The man took a step toward the chained Gray. Gray shrinks back in fear at the aura the man was giving off. He then regrets his comment. The man moves forward until he is right in front of Gray and bends down. He slowly leans down and whispers " I will give you one more chance. Join us Gray Fullbuster." "No way in hell." The man gets back up and calls for a servant. "You will feel my wrath Gray Fullbuster." The servant comes in shortly afterward. She had long brown hair and wore a whit dress made out of silk. In the box she brought with her was a wip peeking out of the top of the box. The man bent down and retrieved it. He slowly uses his hand to stretch it out almost painstakingly. Then out of nowhere, grabs the handle and hits Gray along the chest. Gray screams in surprise and pain. It was a bloodcurdling scream. The man laughs at his pain. He continues hitting Gray until Gray is nearly unconscious and in shreds. He looks back at the servant and gives her the wip. He leaves after giving the servant a command to give him food when he wakes up. The servant puts the wip away and leaves.
Back in town.....
"Were is he!" Natsu yells into the air as he runs back another alley. He has been searching for days ,almost a week, and still can't find him anywhere. Needless to say, after a few day of being absent, the whole guild got worried. They went to his house to see if he was just sick, but he was not at home. The house looked like it hasn't been occupied for awhile. Natsu finally gave up for the moment to go back to guild to get something to eat and to rest. As he's eating with Happy and the girls, a young boy around his early teens comes in out of breath and asks hurriedly "Were can I find a guy named Natsu?" Natsu, hearing his name, stands up. The boy spots him and rushes to him and states " I know we're your friend Gray is."

Natsu x GrayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang