Chapter Three: April

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Raine released my hand that she'd been gripping.

"Sorry I'm late. I couldn't find the classroom. I'm new," the boy explained quickly. Mr. Fiox raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sit down," he said in a gruff voice. The boy scanned the room, looking for an open seat, and finding one- the only one- next to me.

Raine and I exchanged a glance, then she smirked at me. I rolled my eyes. She always encouraged me to 'cheat' on my 'fiance' with someone else. It was true, I could as James and I's relationship was anything but loving. Of course, he thought we were "in love", but I would have barfed at that.

The boy sat next to me.

"Hey," he whispered, "Is he always like that?" I giggled.

"Yes," I whispered back. He grinned easily. I liked that. James forced his smiles.

"Miss Evans, would you like to share with the class?" Mr. Fiox grumbled. I lowered my eyes, and Raine nudged me with her elbow. The seats in the back row were very close together- unfortunately for me.

"Umm...No," I replied. The class laughed.

"Miss Evans, I will not have you make a fool of me in my own classroom. Detention after school." I sighed. Mr. Fiox hated me. 

"Excuse me, sir, but it was my fault. I was asking..uh-" he trailed off, not knowing my name.

"April," I hissed.

"I was asking April the directions to my next class," he announced. Hushed whispers went around the class.

"Well, Mr. Fae-"

"Actually, it's Fuh-ee," the boy pointed out, "It's spelled Fae, but pronounced Fuh-ee." Steam was practically coming out of Mr. Fiox's ears by now.

"Mr. Fae," he pronounced it correctly now, with much exaggeration, "You can ask after class, not during my class. Now, both of you will have detention." The boy shrugged. 


An hour later, after class the boy caught up to me in the hall.

"Hey, I never introduced myself. I'm Brayden," he told me. I grinned.

"I'm April Evans, as I'm sure you know," I laughed. He grinned and bowed dramatically.

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Evans," he said in a drawling English accent. I shudered.

"Ugh. Don't call me that. That's what he calls me," I fake-shuddered again. He laughed. 

"Well, April, would you like to go ice skating with me on Friday night?" he suggested. I thought a moment. Was I supposed to do something with James? Yes. Would I blow him off for this hottie? Most certainly.

"Yes, I would love to," I laughed. He grinned again.

"Great. It's a date." Just then the bell rang. We exchanged worried glances.

"What's your next class?" I asked him. 

"Science with Mrs. Yu."

"Mine, too. C'mon!" I called over my shoulder as I started sprinting toward the classroom. He laughed and caught up.

We hurried into the classroom.

"You guys are late," she told us. I looked at the ground.

"Yes, I had to show Brayden to the class," I said. Then, she seemed to realize there was another student with me.

"Oh, you must be Brayden Fae," she said, looking down at her clipboard. He nodded.

"Actually, it's Fuh-ee," he corrected again. I sighed. This would be a long day. 

[A/N: In case it's unclear, Trinity is in the 1800's-ish era. April is in modern times. But, they're both going through being promised to someone they dislike greatly. Thanks for reading, and sorry it's so short! I had more trouble writing this than I should have.

Comment, Vote... do whatever!

xx Emma] 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2011 ⏰

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