Chapter 5

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After half an hour of telling Harry how handsome and "buff" he is, I finally convinced him he doesn't need to go to the gym. Although reluctant, I did agree to go on a small diet with him. Right now, we were looking up different vegan recipes to try out.

"How about this, it says that we can make pinto bean burgers and steamed carrots!" Harry turns the laptop and I look up from the screen. I have never been pinned as a healthy person ever in my life and this just sounds awful to me.

"Eww, why would we eat that when we can drive three minutes up the road to a McDonald's?" I fake gag and so does he at the mention of his least favorite fast-food place.

"Babe, you know I hate that place. Besides, we can put different seasonings in the burger and maybe, maybe just a little bit of butter on the carrots." He pinches his fingers together until there's about half an inch of space between them.

"Ugh, fine. But I'd rather eat fries than little damn carrots." We both laugh and take a break from searching for a bit.


A few hours later, we both invited Niall and Tori over to sit down and eat the nasty vegan meal Harry prepared. Honestly, it smelled okay but a little too healthy for me. Tori and I hugged once they arrived from next door. Our fights have never really lasted too long, I guess our friendship is too strong to be tarnished by stupid little disputes.

"What the hell is this, Harry?" Niall asked, his Irish accent coming out thicker than normal.

"It's healthy!" Harry exclaims as he sets three more plates down on the table before sitting down himself.

"Yeah but what is it?"

"It's a diet we're going on. Pinto bean burger with carrots, now shut the fuck up and eat before you upset him." I whisper harshly in Niall's ear and withdraw with a smile, poking my fork in a carrot and eating it. I moaned loudly, in shock and delight at how delicious they were.

"Bet it's not the first time hearing that, Harry, huh?" Niall laughs at his vulgar joke while me, Tori and Harry look at each other with wide eyes.

"What's that look for? Wait, don't tell me you guys haven't-" Before he could finish, Tori smacked her hand down on his balls and he screamed in agony.

"Let's just eat this lovely meal, shall we?" Tori changed the subject and I silently thanked her for saving the awkward explaining that would take. Me and Harry still haven't had sex. I could tell it was killing him every time he would ask and I reject him but he didn't rush it. I was content with the relationship we had right now but who knows, maybe it will happen soon (if you guys want this comment!!)

Once we finished eating, we gathered in the living room to play Cards Against Humanity. "Sorry guys, but I think 'bigger, blacker dick steals the cake this round'" Everyone groaned at my choice except for Niall. We high-fived and he took the card.

"Man, I miss the boys. Don't you, Harry? Wouldn't it be such a surprise if they flew here and stayed with us?"

"Uh, yeah totally." Harry nervously chuckled. I squinted my eyes at the two, knowing something was up. Then, Harry scratched the back of his neck and I instantly knew they were up to something.

"Haaarry, what's going?" I ask him.

"W-Well you see, the boys asked if they could stay here and-"

"YOU AGREED TO LET THEM SLEEP IN OUR APARTMENT?!" I shouted a little louder than expected but by this point my blood is boiling and nothing is stopping me.

"Cally, it's not that big of a deal. I mean the girls will be here too."

"Oh really?! You just go behind my back and allow 3 boys to stay at our small house and expect me not to get mad?"

Niall is biting his nails while Tori just sits and watch us feud back and forth.

"Fine, let them stay here. But me, Tori and the girls are sleeping at her place while the boys are in here." I huff, annoyed by the situation. I just want this fight to be over with so we can finish this game and I can go to bed.

"Sounds like a good time!" Niall laughs and we continue to play the game.



It was kind of on the whim but I uploaded a new fanfic so why the hell not update this?!?!?!

(btw its called Mr. Styles and no it  isn't a teacher fic its inspired by the movie fifty shades of grey not the book because I haven't read it)


1. What did you get for Christmas?

2. Would you pretty please give my other books some love and tell me which ones you want  updated?

3. Who's your favorite YouTuber??

I got a lot of stuff this year like clothes, POLAROID CAMERA, 1d calendar yo, Between Us, and clothes.

Also I just started watching Steven Suptic(aka mlghwnt) and his humor is exactly like mine so go watch him. And I watch SourceFed Nerd, TWAIMZ, and a whole bunch of other beautiful people

I will always love you guys, no matter how seldom I update. xx<33 

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