Black and Blue (a Valdaya fanfiction)

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(Hey guys! Thanks for checking out this story. If you've read my other story, you know I have a difficult time incorporating Zendaya's parents into the mix. This one is no different, sadly. In this story she will have and abusive uncle and you'll have to read for the rest!)

Zendaya's POV

I pushed myself back into the corner of my room as my uncle took another swing at me. He missed me by about an inch. That's good because a bruise was already forming on my cheek bone. I have lived with my uncle for a while now, since my parents and I don't talk much anymore. It's three weeks into Dancing With the Stars, and the beatings are just getting worse. Soon, people will start to notice. Val will start to notice. Val and I have been secretly dating since before the season even started. We just couldn't deny it. We tried so hard, him more than me, but it just didn't work. But we could hide our emotions on camera. That is what was important.

"You are such an insult to me! You are ugly, stupid, and you have no ability to dance!"

That last one shattered my heart? Can I really not dance? But, that's why I was brought together with Val, wasn't it? He always tells me I can dance. But what if he's lying?

"I don't know how you've lasted on the show this long! You are awful! I'm surprised Val hasn't just quit working with you! You are a miserable failure!"

He swung at me again, this time hitting me right on the jaw. I gasped in pain.

"Please leave," I begged.

"Leave! Huh? Is that what you said? I'm gonna show you-"

Then his phone rang. I sighed in relief.

"Rob? Oh hey man! Drinks at your place? When? Now? Yeah I'll be there! I'm not busy here or anything." As he said that he sneered at me. Then he turned and walked out of my door. About 30 seconds later I heard the front door slam. Thank goodness.

I went to my bathroom to check out the most recent damage. I was right, there was a bruise forming right on my cheekbone. How was I going to explain that one to Val?

Speaking of Val, I checked the time. Oh! Rehearsal starts at 2:00 and its 1:40! Val will KILL me if I'm late! I grab my keys off the counter an run into my car.

Val's POV

I look at the clock on the wall. 2:10. Where is my little Z? She's been acting very odd lately. She's really tired, and just not her spunky, Zendaya self. I'm worried about her. Really worried.

As I sat their staring off into space, the door burst open and in came a breathless Zendaya!

"Little Z! There you are babe! Where have you b-"

I stopped as I saw her swollen cheek.

"Oh my little Z. What happened?" I asked as I gently inspected the bruise.

"Well you know me, clumsy Z. I tripped on the stairs outside my house and fell on the side walk. But it's nothing, really," she said, sending me one if her killer smiles.

But then I realized; she doesn't have stairs outside of her house.

Black and Blue (a Zendaya and val fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now