All alone

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Zendayas POV

My uncle has been gone for two days. I've loved it. I know it's awful, but I almost wish he was dead.

I think val knows I was lying about this bruise. I guess I don't get my lying from my uncle.

My phone vibrates. A text from Val.

"Pizza? Me n you? Wanna come Z?"

I grinned.

"Pass up pizza? No way! Of course!"

"Meet me at Pizza Central in 30?'

"You gotta deal ;)"

I hopped up from bed and picked out some clothes. The great thing about Val is that I know I can wear anything and he still thinks I'm beautiful. It's perfect.

I finally pick my black sequined shorts and my shirt that says, "You Know You Love Me," on the front and, "Don't Stare Too Long," on the back.

I applied some makeup and straightened my hair, then grabbed my keys.

Val's POV

I'm sitting at our table at Pizza Central. I glance up every time the door opens hoping it'll be Zendaya. But every time it's just some stranger.


The door swings open and in rushes a beautiful Zendaya. I notice she is wearing her sequined shorts, which show off her every curve, and her, "You Know You Love Me" shirt. I smirked. Only she would wear a shirt that expressed my feelings.

She sees me and sends one if here electrifying smiles. She prances over.

"OMG it's val!" She giggles. She always plays this act, pretending she is one lucky person getting some time with me.

"Da-ang you guys! It be zendaya!"

She laughs and sits down. I'm glad to see she finally looks happy again.

Zendaya s POV

"Mmm that pizza was zendaya-licious!" I said.

Val smiled. "And at a val-uable price!"

I laughed at his sad attempt at a joke.

I placed my hand over his. "Val, honey. Please don't quit your day job to become a comedian. It'll never work." I smiled.

He looked hurt. "We'll I think I'll be leaving right now!" He says a he gets up.

"Oh val I'm sorry I was just kidding!"


"Oh you jerk! Not even funny!" I said, though I couldn't contain my laughter.

"You know you love me."

"Maybe," I grinned. "I'm gonna go to the restroom, ill be back my little comedian."

"Okay, but don't be too long. A comedian needs his audience."

Val's POV

As zendaya walked off I read the back of her shirt. It said, "don't look too long."

Funny. I caught myself doing just that.

Zendayas POV

As I stepped out of the restroom an icy cold hand gripped my arm. I turned around and saw my uncles evil face.

He was back.

And he found me.

Black and Blue (a Zendaya and val fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now