1.20 [EDITED]

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Cecilia's POV

"Hey look, there's a festival next week and a concert as well! Why don't you ask Mark to go with you?" Sky proposed looking at the flyers people were handing out in the streets.
I peeked at the colorful paper and indeed it seemed something good, well, if food is involved everything is good right?
"We can go together!" I added.

It would be too awkward to stay with Mark alone, we haven't really acted normally since that evening.
"Are you two still awkward with each other?" Sky asked still reading the details about the festival, "Yeah kinda."

Apparently it's an annual festival they do around here, but I didn't really pay much attention to it since I wasn't the slightest concerned with it.
According to Sky this year the festival is going to be so much better than the previous years since the person in charge of the preparation is a younger woman.
"Yeah we all can go together, but you'll have to find a way to solve things between you and Mark, it makes it awkward for me too when I talk to him, it's like he's really careful when he replies me in order not to trip into anything that is concerned with you," she slightly laughed amusedly.
"I know... I just have to find the courage to talk to him," I pouted.

Once home I asked Jaebum to invite Mark and the others to the said festival and he immediately agreed, he loved that kind of things.
"Why don't you ask Mark yourself though?" He curiously questioned, an obvious smirk on his face, "No particular reasons," I lied while pouring some water for me, "Yeah yeah," he nodded, I'm sure he didn't buy it, but I'm grateful he didn't ask any further.

The following Saturday I received an answer from my brother "Mark and the rest said that they will come, are you happy?" He grinned, I knew that he knew something was wrong but I didn't want to get dig into it.
"Thanks," I replied shortly.

'So tonight Mark will come too' I thought to myself while getting ready, it was a little bit past 5 but we decided we'd meet around 7 and have dinner at one of the street stalls.
Somehow I was nervous, but I knew that the others are going to be with us, so we won't be left alone.

Although we are already on the 3rd of October the weather is still hot, there was suddenly a raise of temperatures at the end of September.
I stared at my closet in vain as I didn't know what to wear, it's always such a pain to decide on an outfit, "Need help?" Sky's head popped out from behind the slightly opened door of my room, "Yes please," I said cutely.

Does it happen to you too that no matter how many clothes you have you never have the one perfect for a special occasion, not that this one is special, I'm just making an example.

Sky helped me picking a black See through long sleeved button up, under it I wore a black tight fitting shirt and tucked it into a pair of white high waisted shorts.
She helped me curling my hair because I'm really bad at it and I'm also afraid to burn myself, and she also put a slightly bit of make up on me: eyebrows, lipstick, mascara and eyeliner.
I was ready and honestly I looked okay, I liked the simple outfit and the classic natural make up.

We decided to meet the boys just outside our house and at 6:50 they were already waiting for us, "One second!" I yelled from the kitchen while I was desperately trying to wear my earrings, "Damn!" Last time I wore a pair of earrings was 6 years ago and my earlobes wholes are almost closed.
"Come here," Sky gestured, I handed her one of my earrings and she literally poked a whole through my earlobe, "Fuck! That hurt!" I yelled backing away, "But at least thanks to me you have one of them on," she giggled, "And no way I'm going to let you put on the other one!" I yelled backing away.
I felt my earlobe pulsing, God that seriously hurt!

The bell kept ringing and I was on the verge of slamming the door on their faces, "Shut the fuck up for Pete's sake!" I screamed to the door, "You're always so feminine," Sky giggled, "Fuck you too! My earlobe still hurts."

Do you also have those days where you keep cursing?
Well that's one of those days, I don't function well under stress, "For Pete's sake, Sky please help me put the other one on, possibly without making me bleed," I begged, I'm no good with pain.

"Alright, close your eyes and 1, 2-", "Son of a brick! I told you to be more gentle!" It wasn't as painful as the other one but it still hurt a lot.
"Next time remember to wear some earrings from time to time," Sky mocked.
I rolled my eyes in annoyance, she could have been more gentle and it wouldn't have hurt that much.

The bell started ringing again, I checked the time on the watch I was trying to buckle: 7pm, we were just in time, why being so stressful?

"If you don't stop ringing that shit I'm seriously gonna break the door on your faces!" I said while opening the door, guess who was the ass who was ringing the whole time? None other than my stupid brother, "Well since it's you Jaebum I'm thinking about breaking this door on your face and the one of your room too," I said glaring at him, "Guess who's on her period? My moody sister!" He replied moving his hands like a magician.

Screw it, I hate everybody today.

"Well if we're all here shall we go?" Youngjae asked reaching out for Jaebum's hand, "Yes!" The others replied happily.

I looked around but among the boys Mark was missing but still I couldn't come out with a 'Hey guys where's Mark at?' It would sound too suspicious.
We walked and walked and I waited and waited for someone to bring up the topic but no one ever did and so I kept silent: did all my efforts go to waste?

Words: 1064
Published: —/—/——
Edited: 22 March 2019

Hello beautiful readers~
I'm so sorry for updating every once in a while but it's been a hectic year.
Hope y'all forgive me🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hope you enjoyed this small edit and don't be a silent reader😉

Have a good day🥰

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