Sneak Peak!

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All was peaceful that leaf-fall morning. A small night-black and rather feminine looking tom gently waded across a stream, his snout raised and jaws parted slightly. The sharp scent of watermint bathed on his tongue, leading him to the source of the smell. Plucking part of the plant off the base, he quickly traveled back to the shore. The tom's ears pricked at the sound of rustling in the undergrowth, followed by a distant argument across the stream. Getting closer mouse-length by mouse-length, the argument was now audible —

"MOUSEDUNG!" A somewhat high-pitched voice spat, followed by another voice saying, "Not everything will go your way little one, you know that."
"NOTHING EVER GOES MY WAY! I cant memorize hunting or fighting skills, and I lost my mom to some kind of stupid sickness! I CANT BE A WARRIOR!" The first cat exclaimed in anger.

Curiosity tugged at the tom's chest, drawing him toward the two cats, who obviously, didn't belong to his clan, SunClan. He cautiously crossed the stream and ventured into the dense woodland on the opposite of his home clan.

Venturing deeper into the rival clan's territory, the tom pressed himself close to the ground, so that his belly fur was brushing against the packed earth beneath him. Giving the air a quick sniff, he immediately recognized the scent of two FernClan cats, both of witch traced with the scent of herbs.

Medicine cats! He thought.

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