61. Fairy Tale

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Shawn Spencer

November 21

History of Magic

Prompt: In your own words, describe the events of the 1376 Fairy Fiasco and its effects on Wizard/Muggle relations.

            On the evening of July 19, 1376, Baron Leland Rodriguez threw a grand ball for his daughter’s fourteenth birthday. Wizards, muggles, and magical creatures alike all attended this splendid event. Each guest brought the beautiful Princess Jules a magnificent gift; the wizard Zo gave a pair of dandy bejeweled pumps, the Queen of Hearts gave some tarts, and the giant Zumaragotryniango gave some enchanted beans. Finally, it was the turn of Jules’ three fairy godmothers. #1 blessed her with a police badge and rank of detective. #2 conjured up for her a partner by the name of Lassie. Finally, #3 waved her wand and granted the princess her soul mate.

           The women of the wizarding world grew enraged that the muggle Jules had the charming, handsome, pineapple-loving man all to herself, and so threatened to attack. However, the mysterious stranger merely smiled at the horde of witches and they swooned, unable to take any violent action. And they all lived happily ever after.

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