Chapter 1

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The sound of the waves are music to my ears. I look around and noticed that I'm at the beach. Oh how I love the beach, it's like my second home. I've been coming here almost everyday ever since I can remember. I sit down in the sand, close to where the waves come to my feet.

"This is just an amazing day, the sun is shining so bright, the warm breeze in my hair."

I look around and suddenly I hear a voice. A very familiar voice I know.

"Josephine!" The voice said. "Josephine! Wake up! Were almost here love!"

I wake up and I realized it was all just a dream.

"Josephine, were almost in New York! I'm so excited!" My mom said smiling and very eagerly.

"I guess." I sighed as I layed my head by the window looking out and looking at the view as we drove by.

I actually thought for a moment that I was at the beach. But mostly, I thought I was home.

I'm really going to miss Los Angeles, the place where I was born and raised. I really wish we didn't have to move.

But since my dad got a huge promotion from his job as a Pharmacist, he knew he had to accept it.

My dad is really a hard-working guy, he really did deserve it. He was told to move to New York because from there, he will have his own Pharmacetical business, just like he always wanted.

With the help of his job, everything will be payed for. Such as our new home and his new business.

The part of New York we are moving to is some part called "Harlem", which I never heard of before.

But I do know that my best friend lives there. Mercedes Parkins, my best friend who I knew since first grade.

Mercedes moved right after our eighth grade promotion, her parents were going through a big argument which made them divorce. She lives with her mom now.

I'm glad that were finally reuniting. She was the only friend I had, since I don't talk much to others or really go out.

I just graduated high school and I'm still the old me.

"Were here!" My dad yelled out.

I can't believe we drove all the way over here. My dad's boss offered him free tickets for a plane, but my crazy dad refused his offer. My dad said it would a great way to explore by driving because of all the attractions we would pass by. It was really such a long trip. Since I'm the only child, I had no company which I don't mind at all.

"This is our new home, ain't it lovley?" My dad said as he closed the door behind him, heading to take a closer look of our new home.

"Fuck." I mumbled, rolling my eyes as I looked around the neighborhood. It's not the same as back home.

"Yo, yo bruh watch this shit!"

A voice I hear all of a sudden. I heard a bunch of laughter and music from across the street. There was a big group of guys dancing around, laughing, having a good time.

"They must be high or something." I whispered to myself.

I start picking up our things into our new two floor townhouse home.

As I was walking up the outdoor staircase, I turned back around to see a group of guys one last time.

One of them turned to me, as if he knew I was staring. He smiled at me. I was amazed. Words could not explain.

The french braided hair guy really caught my attention. I didn't know what to do, I looked down trying to act I never seen him and quickly walked inside.

I leaned against the wall. I looked up the ceiling and thought to myself,

"Will I ever see him again? I wonder if he lives around here? Why did he smile at me for? Did I have something in my face that probably made me look fucking stupid?"

All these different questions running through my mind.

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