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"Here are your clothes" the cop says as he hands me a pile of clothes.

"Can I go change in the bathroom" I ask.

He smirks and shakes his head. I roll my eyes and turn around.

I take the orange fugly jumpsuit off and put my jeans and shirt on as quick as possible.

I turn around and he hands me my papers. I walk to the front desk and the lady smiles at me.

"Do you have a ride, sweetheart" she asks.

"Yes Ma'am" I nod and she types on her computer.

"Your all set" she says.

Betty was always my favorite. When I came in here the cop that took me in was really rough and she was the only one that wasn't an asshole.

As I start to walk out of the horrid building, I look back and laugh. I fucking hate all theses bitches, except Betty she's my go to.

I walk outside and see an all to familiar boy leaning against a car.

"My favorite ex-con" Luke yells.

"Yes bitch, I'm back" I yell.

I run toward him and he catches me in his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist and he laughs in my ear.

"It's been two fucking years" he whispers in my ear.

"I know" I say back.

He lets go of me and I get in the car.

He gets in the drivers seat and starts the car.

"Where the fuck you wanna go" he asks.

"I wanna go to your apartment and fucking sleep" I yell. He laughs and pulls out of the parking lot.

While I have been away Luke got his own apartment and my brother lives with him.

My aunt and uncle moved two blocks away from Luke, so my brother can see my sister since she lives with them and so she can keep an eye on me since I'm moving in with Luke.

I heard that Lip, Debby, and Ian are visiting. Fiona couldn't because she has to watch Liam.

We arrive at Luke's and I run up to his floor, I jump into his bed and close my eyes.


I wake up and hear yelling. I just got out and this is already happening.

"She can't see him" I hear Luke yell.

"She needs to, he needs to see her" I hear Matt, my brother yell.

"Carl isn't good for her" Luke yells.

My fave goes blank. Carl.

Did Carl get out today? Is he already out? What if he still has more time?

"Carl gets out today and Ian is bringing him, Debby, and Lip here to see her" my brother yells back, answering my question.

I bring my knees to my chest and rest my head on my knees. I feel a tear run down my face and I quickly wipe it away.


When I heard that name it felt like someone kicked me in the chest.

The one person I thought about the whole time I was in juvie. I can finally see. Two years.

Secure//Carl GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now