Part One: A Chance Meeting

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A/N: I do not own Dan nor Phil, I only ship them intensely. Possibility for lemon in the future but who knows :/
Well, enjoy!

Dan          Phil

January 23rd

Hey cutie, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

Uhm... Well, you got the wrong number buddy.

Oh my god! I'm so sorry!

No, don't worry, it's okay.

Well, while I've got your attention, what's up?

Really? You're starting a conversation with a wrong number?

Sounded like a good idea in my head...

Well, I'm dealing with a history paper due soon, you?

Oh! You're in college? Where! I think we might be in the same school!

Well aren't you such a not stalker! I go to Manchester United.

Really? Me too.

Oh, that's cool.

I'm sorry again about that awkward pick up line...

No it's fine, don't worry haha

Yeah, I'm not gay...

What made you think I'm a guy?

Oh you're not? I'm sorry.

No, I'm male, and not gay as well.

Oh cool. So, how's the history paper going?

Boring as ever, I regret taking this class now.

Oh it can't be that bad.

Really? Not THAT bad? Hahaha I dare you to try it. -.-

Oh shut up.

So, what're you doing?

Well, I'm talking with you for one, and I'm lying on my bed, slightly bored.

Oh, sounds fun.

It is very fun.

Manchester is really beautiful isn't it?

Yes, it is.

Hahaha, sorry I suck at being serious sometimes.

Nah, it's fine bro, serious can be boring.

Yeah. :P

Hah, an emoji? Nice.

Yeah, it's funny.

I didn't know if you were that type of guy who liked emojis. :P

Well now you know!

That's good. :D

Oh that ones cool! O.O

Yeah I know right?

Yes I know this one: *^*

Lol that's awesome!

Oh look at the time! I'm going to hit the hay, goodnight :)


//Yeah, I know, short chapter, but I'm lazy and myeh :P
Either way, I'm hoping to continue but idk if it's a good idea so I'll see.//

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