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It's Saturday night and I'm going to my friends house where me and her decide to have a supernatural/doctor who marathon. It didn't exactly go as we planned. We instead went swimming for about an hour and a half and then went to her cousin Darbee's who was carving pumpkins we sat there for about an hour and then I said I wanted to go back so we did and we played skate 3 and then went out to eat with her grandparents, best time of my life! Anyway, Lucifer decides to make a fort so we make a fort and sit down to play Playstation I played skate three for a while and then I got done and decided to lay down and I fell asleep , I have no clue what Lucifer decided to do next.
Well I woke up a few hours later to Lucifer up on her phone drinking root beer. I got up and changed into some clothes because I was still in my jeans and avenged sevenfold shirt. I then fell back to sleep with Lucifer also going to sleep. Few hours later I woke up with her drinking root beer and on her phone AGAIN!! I laughed then rolled over going back to sleep.

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