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"Darling, sweetie, wake up. It's time for school." I faintly hear Carla say as I wake up slowly.

I mumble back some incoherent words as she walks out of my room to make breakfast.

I have to face Jason today. This won't be easy. I'll just avoid him that's the best thing I can do now.

I do my morning routine and go downstairs to eat breakfast. I skip down the stairs and I see Carla just getting some toast out of the toaster. 

I hate the hours she works here. It isn't fair on her. Besides I can take care of myself, but I don't know if she's well enough financially to leave so, I guess I can't complain if she's getting food on the table for her family.

I ate my toast quickly. Thanked Carla and darted upstairs. I changed into a black and blue t shirt, some ripped jeans, and my signature leather jacket and combat boots.

I did my morning routine and pretty soon I was driving to school on my new motorcycle.

Hopefully I can avoid Jason today.


As I pull up into school I see people staring at my bike and gawking.

Not to be full of myself or anything but, I know.

I spot Jason on the sidewalk and I can see him gazing at me as well.

I park my bike near the back of the parking lot. As I walk towards the building I notice Jason was walking towards me, but I get in the building faster than he can reach me and disappear into the crowd.


The day went by smoothly without any run-ins with Jason.  

I am currently in gym class and it just got let out. Jason has been trying to talk to me and corner me but I always get away at the last second.

I ran towards the changing rooms and slip inside before Jason can catch me again.

I take my time changing. I don't rush myself, besides, it was the end of the day anyways.

As I put on my shirt and shorts, I hear the changing room door being opened.

"Jess I know you're in here. You never left the changing room." I hear an all too familiar voice call from the other side of the lockers.

My eyes widen and I silently say "shit" and slowly creep to the edge of the lockers to see if I can make a clean escape. I already had my bag packed so it shouldn't be a problem.

But just my luck as I peek the corner he's standing right by the door and I saw him glance at me.

I quickly run back to my locker and stand in the far corner. I hear foot steps nearing my part of the locker room.

Well no escaping this now. He's got me cornered.

I sigh and give up trying.

I see him round the corner with a look in his eyes that could scare anyone. But once he sees me his eyes soften a bit.

"Why have you been avoiding me?"

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