Chapter 1

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Another windy day in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dom Torretto is sitting in a booth at a casino. A tall, blonde waiter stops by his booth. "Sir, will you be needing anything?" asked the waiter. "No, thanks. I'll be fine," Dom replies. "How 'bout you try out one of the machines. On the house," says the waiter with a grin on his face. Dom gets up and heads to the slot machines, and sits on the far left side. The waiter comes back with a $250,000 coin in his hand, and gives it to Dom. "Sure is a lot of dough," says Dom, carefully looking at the coin. The waiter responds, "It's nothing compared to what you did to save us from terror." Dom's eyes widen. "How do you know about that?" Dom asks curiously. "I'm very close with a girl named Ramsey," says the waiter. A girl then walks through the entrance of the casino, wearing tall black heels, and a long white dress. She walks over to the waiter and Dom. "Long time, no see," says the woman with a smile. "Ramsey, you sure have grown," Dom replies to her. She stands next to the waiter. "Dom, this is Adrian." Adrian waves and slightly smiles. "What are you waiting for? Stick that coin in the machine!" Ramsey exclaims. Dom turns around and hesitantly puts the coin in the machine. "If I lose this money, then what?" he asks Adrian. "Don't worry about it," Adrian says and points to his manager, who was asleep, and had his wallet wide open on a table. The numbers begin to spin quickly. "If you get three cars, you win the amount you paid. If you get three engines, you win double the amount you paid. If you get three flaming wheels, you get five times the amount you paid, plus three more chances," says Adrian. "You could be walking out of here a multi-millionaire." Suddenly, one flaming wheel pops up on the first screen. Then, another one pops up. Finally, the screen lands on an engine. Dom lowers his head in disappointment. In an instant, the engine changes to a flaming wheel. Dom stands up, astonished, and hugs both Adrian and Ramsey. "I WON!!" yells Dom throughout the whole casino. Dom plays his three chances and wins almost twenty times the amount he paid.

After 3 long, cash-filled hours, Dom finishes his mug of Corona, and tells Adrian and Ramsey, "Hey, you two, it's been great fun here, but I should get going home." Ramsey looks at Adrian and says, "Yeah, we're gonna head back home in a minute," she says. "Since you're out of town, do you want to stay with me and Adrian?" Ramsey asks.

"Thanks for asking. That'd be great," Dom says gratefully. Adrian leads Dom and Ramsey out of the casino. Adrian calls a dark-haired man from outside. "Hey Rico, do you mind pulling up Mr. Torretto's car and mine?" he asks. "Yeah, no problem, man!" Rico responds. Dom tosses his keys to Rico and waits for him to arrive. "What kind of car do you drive, Dom?" asks Adrian, curiously. "You a car guy?" Dom asks in response. "I'm somewhat educated in cars, yeah." Adrian answers. "I drive a 96' Challenger. Nothin' too special." Dom tells Adrian. Rico pulls up an electric green Lamborghini Sesto Elemento. "I drive this bad boy," Adrian says, while pointing at the car. Ramsey opens her door and gets in the car. Adrian takes off his suit jacket and opens his door. "Just follow us, my house is only about 10 minutes away from here," Adrian tells Dom. He gets in and closes the door. Rico pulls up Dom's car. Dom gets in his car, and drives out of the parking lot, and follows Adrian's car.

Dom merges on to the highway to get to Adrian's place. He catches sight of a bright red car in his rear-view mirror, driving very fast. He keeps to the right so he doesn't get in the way of the speeders. As the car got closer to Dom's car, he noticed that the car was armored, and two men had half of their bodies out of the window. Dom swore he could've heard the speeders say, "Let's go snag that Lambo," and he immediately got worried. He blocked the car off from going any further, and the speeders were enraged. The speeders were intelligent, however, and tricked Dom into going off the highway exit, while they stayed on the highway. Dom tried to pursue the speeders from below, but it was hard to see, since it was very late. The speeders pull out a bottle with a rag on it, and a lighter, and Dom catches sight of an open flame. "MOLOTOV, BOYS!!" shouted the speeders, and they threw the bottle on the rear of Adrian's car. The back of the car starts catching on fire very quickly. Dom was paralyzed in shock. He dials Ramsey's cell phone number as fast as he could to warn them. "Ramsey, get out of the car NOW! Your car is on fire!!" Dom yells through the phone. "WHAT?!" yells Ramsey, and the flame engulfed the green supercar. "RAMSEY!! ADRIAN!!" yells Dom out of his window as he merges back on the road. Hundreds of people get out of their cars in panic and fear. Thousands of screams echoed as the fire burned. Dom gets out of his car, and rushes to the burning Lamborghini. He takes his shirt off and wraps it around his nose to not inhale the smoke. Dom ducks under the debris, and attempts to pull the couple out of the burning car. He manages Ramsey out of the car, heavily burned and hurt. He goes around to the other side, and pours water over the flaming suicide door. Dom grabs Adrian's arm, which was extremely bloody. He gets Adrian's torso out of the vehicle, but his left leg got stuck under the steering wheel. "Dom, don't let me die like this!" Adrian screams in pain. Dom kicks the car while pulling on Adrian's arm. The fire was just about to reach the gas tank, and in a few seconds, the car would explode. "Come on, work with me here!" Dom yells loudly, and pulls harder. Adrian gets his leg loose, and slides out of the car. "RUN!!" Dom yells. Adrian limp-runs away to get off the road. Dom carries Ramsey to get far from the car. The car suddenly burst into more flames, and debris went flying. One of the doors was coming off very quickly, and slid off, and hit Ramsey in the head. "GET DOWN!!" Dom yells to the couple. Ramsey falls and hits the sidewalk. Adrian sees Ramsey on the ground, and shuffles all the way to her. "Ramsey! Don't leave me!" he yells. Ramsey breathes very slowly. Blood gushes from her head as she breathes. Adrian wraps his shirt over the large wound, and tells her "It's going to be alright, just stay with me!". Ramsey breathes in quick, short breaths. "Stay..with...Dom," slips out of Ramsey's mouth. "We're being...pursued by maniacs." Adrian's mouth widens, and Ramsey's eyes begin to close slowly. "NO! RAMSEY, NO! STAY WITH ME!" Adrian shouts. Sirens could be heard getting closer in the near distance. Adrian shakes Ramsey. "RAMSEY, PLEASE!" he shouts. He feels her heart, which has stopped beating. Several ambulances arrive at the scene, and Adrian picks Ramsey up and carries her to a stretcher. Dom gets up from the asphalt, and walks towards Adrian. He puts a hand on Adrian's back. "This ain't the first time someone tried to sabotage us," Dom states. "We're in danger, Adrian. We need to fight back." Adrian glances over to Dom, and wipes his face off. He shakes hands with Dom, and says, "I'll do anything to avenge her, Dom. Anything." Dom claps Adrian on the back, and pulls his car up. "C'mon, we can meet them at the hospital," Dom tells Adrian. Adrian gets into the car and they drive alongside the ambulances to the hospital. It was a very quiet car ride, but Dom would keep Adrian's spirits up. They arrive at the hospital at 2:42 AM, and sleep there until the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2015 ⏰

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