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Jen's POV

"Good morning babe." I said while I stretched out.

"Good morning sweetheart, I'll go make breakfast. What do you want?"

"Ummmm surprise me, you're always good at that... I'm gonna take a quick shower and meet you down there."

"Sure, remember not to wash your hair. You're going to Chris today."

"Oh ya I forgot about that, but we have till 3 to leave the house so no rush."

I watched Justin walk out of the room shirtless while I got out of bed. I went and took a quick shower and decided to wear something casual since I'm not doing anything too big. I picked out a white shirt t-shirt and an old pair of boyfriend jeans that are soo comfortable. A lot of my shoes have heels since I'm short but I dug out a pair of flat brown sandals to wear. I got a brown cardigan to wear in case I got cold, pulled my hair into a bun, and went downstairs to see what Justin cooked.

"Mmmm, what did you make? It smells soooo good!" It really did.

"Apricot crepes!"

"This is why I love you."

I walked up to him and he kissed me while I slipped my hand behind him and grabbed my plate of apricots crepes.
I pulled away and laughed as I ran to the table.

Justin POV

Oh my gosh she is so cute when she gets all excited over something small like breakfast. This is why I love to cook for her. I grabbed my plate and sat in front of her in our bar like table counter thingy that I don't know what to call, you would have to ask Jen that kind of thing. She's good with interior designing and fashion. Of course we are a fashion couple, we both love style. We ate the crapes and talked about our old high schools and funny stories that brought back old memories. We never have a lack of conversation, no matter how much time we spend together, we always find something to talk about... or something to do.


I hope you guys liked this chapter! If you find any grammar errors or have any pointers, feel free to comment. The next chapter I am going to write about her haircut with Chris.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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