The void

14 1 0

Aren't you scared?

When I was young, I was always told if I do good, I'll go to heaven, and if I do bad I'll go to hell. That was at age 6.

Age 14; I was bullied and tormented for my stutter. It wasn't my fault, at least that's what my therapist says, but who can I blame? It was at that age I renounced my faith towards the lord. I didn't see why this could be anyone's plan, and I couldn't see how following something blindly could make me happy. I didn't want to be an atheist, so I just called myself a free thinker.

Age 16; I fell in love with the paranormal. Everything ghostly was just so fascinating to me, I couldn't get enough of it.... Until one night.

It was a school night, and I couldn't fall asleep. I would usually toss and turn and think about the day ahead. I don't know why I thought of it, but once I did, I couldn't take my mind off of it.
"What happens to us after we die?"
I always thought we'd just leave our body's and become an energy source that's still somehow capable to understand their least that's what it seems like on all those paranormal shows I watch.

But what will happen to our surroundings?
One day, our houses will be destroyed or abandoned. One day, our trees will die, and our air will be polluted. One day, the last man will die, and leave earth as a ghost planet. One day, everything around us will crumple up and die. We will only be left with a void. An endless darkness.

And we'll be forced to watch it all happen.

Maybe that's why people follow a religion with a comforting afterlife.

((||creativity NOT reality||))
||sent in by: Anonymous||
||Authors quote: "this story is NOT meant to offend ANYONE!!! Please enjoy! And take nothing to heart. It's only creativity||

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2015 ⏰

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