Draco's Promise

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[I imagine Theo Nott looking like young Aaron Johnson, who is in the image at the side, however feel free to imagine him however you wish.]

Hermione strolled along to her next lesson, potions, and she couldn't help but let her mind wonder to Draco. He knew her biggest secret. Not even Harry or Ron knew her secrets. Perhaps Draco was actually less likely to judge her for it, though. She felt guilt galloping in her chest. Her enemy knew more than her best friends, who she had considered her brothers. It felt so wrong yet there was nothing she could do about it. She could oblivate him, but if that was to backfire she'd get in serious trouble. She could just tell Ron and Harry, but of course, it wasn't that easy. You can't just tell your best friends that you've wanted to be a death eater since you were fourteen and you don't want to help them fight for the good side. 

After all, Voldemort was right. Being a witch is a miracle, Muggles don't deserve it so neither should Muggleborns. She then realised she had been daydreaming the whole journey, and she was most likely going to be late. She walked rapidly to the dark classroom.

When Hermione arrived she was alone. She calmed her breathing and quietly turned to the cabinet to collect a book. As she turned the corner Draco Malfoy was standing next to the cabinet flicking through the book. He looked up slightly and saw her. 

"Granger." He greeted, somewhat politely, considering it is Draco. "Shouldn't you be off studying dark arts or something?" He smirked. 

Hermione studied him. He looked as though he was trying to annoy her, but not in the same bully manner they had 3 days ago. More friendly. 

"Don't worry, Granger. I am the last person to judge you for liking the dark arts." He said happily. Although, around five seconds after he had said it he frowned. "After all, I am due for my Dark Mark in two weeks." 

Hermione's initial feeling was shock. Then it slowly developed into curiosity. "Why are you sad, don't you like the dark arts?" 

"Of course, I love it!" He said honestly. "I just feel as if I didn't have a choice. People like you do, if you want to be a death eater you can, if you want to be good then you can. What about people like Potter and I? We have no choice." 

Hermione almost smiled. He said she could be a death eater if she wanted to. 

"Theres no use being sad about it if its what you would've chose anyway." She offered. He nodded slightly. There was a silence for a few seconds. 

"What would've you chose?" He said, but as he said it students came in and the class started filling up. "I expect an answer later." He hissed and sat next to Theo. Hermione couldn't help but notice how skinny Theo and Draco were, and almost felt envious. She sat next to Ron and Harry at the back of the classroom. 

"Whats between you and Malfoy then?" Ron accused. Hermione was speechless. 

"What are you talking about?" She hissed. 

"Well, you were alone around the corner when everyone came in and god knows how long you were there." Ron replied. Harry rolled his eyes, although he was secretly curious. 

"Ronald! You know exactly what I think of that ferret!" Hermione lied angrily. She picked up the blue potions book and sat next to Neville on the next table. 

The lessons quickly passed and sure enough Hermione was back in the library sat where she was the previous night. She attempted to concentrate on the book but her mind wandered to Draco. Would he be showing up tonight? She was curious about him going to become a death eater. 

On the other side of the school Draco Malfoy sat silently with full intention of meeting Hermione again, although he wasn't to sure.  Just don't fall in love with her and it'll be fine, He thought. He made himself promise himself. Draco's promise. Minutes passed and he convinced himself he wouldn't fall in love with Hermione. 

He stepped into the restricted section quietly and smiled when he saw Hermione concentrating on her book. His original plan was to make her jump again but she looked up before he was even halfway there. 

"Come looking for me, Malfoy?" She joked and he shook his head. 

"I was just inquisitive..." He said slowly. "What is it like... Working with the good people..." He said it as if he was trying to word it, but he had played it out in his head a hundred times. All with different endings. 

It didn't take her long to thing of an answer, it just took her minutes to decide whether to tell him or not. "Honestly?" She began. "Its terribly boring. So... Predictable and repetitive... What is it like worshiping for the other wide?"

"Worshiping?!" He scoffed. "The dark lord basically begged me! He wanted a death eater who was currently at Hogwarts... Makes it easier to get in or something." 

Hermione nodded understandably. 

Draco suddenly looked her in the eyes. "Wait..." He said suspiciously. "So you actually like the dark arts?" 

"Yes, I find it interesting and..." Hermione faded off but Draco didn't ask questions. 

"Be a death eater then." He stated. Hermione gaped at him. Was he actually being serious?

"I am a muggleborn! I can't just go up to the Dark Lord and tell him I hate mudbloods!" Hermione said shocked. "Where is the common sense you claim to have?!" 

Draco smirked. "The Dark Lord... Voldmort is a halfblood." Draco was genuinely almost laughing. "He'll accept you if you're committed enough." 

Hermione shook her head. Draco Malfoy was ridiculous. 

Draco leaned in his head and his lips covered over hers. Hermione closed her eyes but Draco's were still open. Still aware of what was happening. 

"Fucks sake." Draco said bitterly and pulled away. Hermione's eyes shot open, embarrassed. "I should not be doing that. I should no be here." He sat down in one of the library chairs and bowed his head in shame. Like he had years ago when he lost Quidditch or got low test scores. 

"What would Father say?" He asked rhetorically. Hermione just stared down at the boy. When he wasn't arrogant he almost seemed innocent. 

"Sorry." He whispered and sped out of the library. 

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