Quick Rapid Fire: Sheldon

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Today, Sheldon will be asked a few questions by....
If not Amy, then who?

-Amy grunts-

Sheldon: Madame Curie. I would love a dinner with her.
If not science, then what?

Living like a hippie.
Leonard, Howard or Raj?

Hmm..I suppose Leonard. Awfully irritating but helpful. -Winks at an agitated Leonard.-
Where do you see yourself in, say, ten years?

A Nobel prize for physics in hand, with all of the cast as servants!
-Groan- How are you dealing with your recent break up?

-Amy and Sheldon clear their throats-

I am really disappointed with Amy. I have been told that doing something new can take my mind off things. I have tried fencing with Barry Kripke.

(Sheldon, sweetie, have you tried dating other girls?)

Yes, Wolowitz brought that to my notice. Yet, I refrain talking about that in public since I am Doctor Sheldon Cooper, I do not want a trashed reputation. Now would you please move on?
How do you find Amy?

I truly loved her. She is charming and intelligent. I am disappointed in her. I simply adored her. She is one of the only girls who ever entered my room. She was really sweet and helpful.

Now, my favourite. Her bad qualities. Her fashion sense was trash, but I admit I am not Mister Fashion Designer myself. Her cardigan was a slimey shade of maroon. A green pencil skirt. Her hair was a duck caught in an oil spill.
How does Amy look right now?

-A dolled up Amy comes on stage-

Well, she curled her hair. Those are lovely tresses, by the way. Love her white, flowy blouse and pink skirt. Good choice of colours, though. Lack of glasses, hmm? Her eyes look wide and adorable. Chandelier earrings. I usually hate them, but they look good on you. In short, you look good.

Amy: Thank you, Sheldon.


Hope you liked it. Let me know if you want to see more of these.

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