Chapter two Your stronger than that

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My eyes snapped open as I thought of one thing; Andrew Dennis Biersack; my saviour. I gasped slightly as I remembered the events from last night, he was the one who helped me, told me that everything will be okay! ANDY BIERSACK SAVED ME! I was slightly panicking inside as the rush of happiness swept through my body causing me to jump up and take a shower. I finally got into the shower allowing the warm water fall over my body, it really calmed me down. However, the only thoughts that swept through my mind was about Andy. Why did he save me? Out of everybody in the world, he chose me. He could of just left me there to suffer but he didn't, he actually helped me out! Maybe if I'm lucky I can see him again... No what was I thinking? He's a star, he wouldn't like to see a normal girl like me. I sighed as I turned the water off again stepping out of the shower feeling the cold hit me before I managed to wrap a warm dark blue towel around my cold body. I walked back into my room locking the door and picking out a black My chemical romance t-shirt with black leggings and a black long sleeved hoodie to cover my arms. I wanted to go out, just so I can try to find him, just to thank him for helping me out. Totally not to fangirl over him...haha. I ran downstairs being careful not to wake my dad who was now on the floor by the living room. I stepped over the body being as quiet as I could and racing out of the door eager to see if he was out here. I tried to be as calm as I could but I just couldn't help my heart beating faster as I approached where we met the day before. I looked around and saw nobody, it was raining though so that's understandable. A sigh escaped my lips as I gazed around hoping I had just missed him however, I didn't see anybody. I wanted to cry, I mean I really want to thank him for making me feel needed yesterday, and I wanted to apologise for not really being the sweetest person alive that day either. I turned around and I was about to leave, what point is there is staying longer just to realise that he isn't going to come back, he doesn't care about me. Who would? I'm just another fangirl...
"E-excuse me!" I heard somebody yell as footsteps were approaching me quickly from behind. I spun around and saw a tall man dressed In black, sprinting towards me as if his life depended on it. As he got closer I finally realised who it was. It was none other then Andy biersack, the man who saved my life yesterday just by being there for me. My heart fluttered as he came to a stop right in front of me
"Why are you here...?" I whispered, blushing slightly at the sight of him. His blue eyes sparkled as he was about to reply until we heard more footsteps approaching us. I looked behind Andy and saw four men running up to us. I knew they were men because their voices were deep as they were yelling at each other, having a little joke around.
"Andy!" One of them yelled. His skin was slightly tanned as his brown hair reached his shoulders, he looked really sexy if you ask me. "What are you doing?" He questioned panting as he was out of breath. The others approached him, I assumed they were the rest of the band as they looked really familiar. Andy stuttered as he looked at me and back at Ashley, panicking slightly I'm not sure why though.
"Hey, dude we have to get going." Jake stated bluntly as he started at him, making sure that he knew he couldn't stay with me any longer. They needed to get going after all, they're probably on tour. Cc stared at me with a hint of curiosity in his eyes, I kept wondering why everybody was acting this way. I turned as I was about to leave, so they could do whatever they were going to do. Well, that was until I heard my dad...
"WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT EMO FAG?" I heard him yell in the distance making me sigh. "OI LIL' LADY GET YOUR FUCKING FAT ASS BACK HERE OTHERWISE ILL BEAT YOU AGAIN." He screamed out. There was now total silence making the rain the only thing we could hear. I was about to walk off back to him before Cc grabbed my arm gently, giving me a look of sympathy.
"Was that somebody you know...?" He questioned. I tried to get free but he didn't let me go so I nodded.
"Yes..." I whispered. "It's my father." Everybody then looked at me, Jinxx being the one to come over and hug me followed by cc, Ashley, Andy and then Jake. I wasn't really comfortable with hugs, but I guess I really needed one. I heard them whispering but it was too quiet for me to hear as the rain was louder then they were. I was soaking wet, and so were they.
"Your coming back with us." Andy smiled as the hug died out and they all smiled at me, making me feel safe. I didn't know what to say, I wanted to say yes but I'd get in their way. I was smiling though, which kind of gave away the answer.
"I'll take that as a yes!" Cc laughed looking at my happy facial expression. Suddenly my mind was over taken with thoughts and questions, not realising I was saying them out loud.
"But why me? Do they know about my dad...? Do they know about the beatings? I'd just get in the way...where will I stay? I don't want to go back home to him..." I cried. They all looked at me with cc pulling me back into a hug, allowing me cry into his shoulder. "We know about your dad...but not about the beatings. You wouldn't get in the way and you can come with us in our tour bus! And don't worry, we will take care of you. Nobody can hurt you now." Andy smiled at me as he finished his sentence. I couldn't be more happier then now, Black veil brides were going to look after me and save me it all, save me from the pain I go through. However, I needed to go and collect my things and get past my dad who had apparently woken up now due to all of the yelling that could be heard.
"I'll come with you to get your things, I'll protect you." Andy smiled holding her hand as I led the way to my house. I was terrified of what my dad would say, I wish he wasn't always drunk if I'm honest. I think the worry was showing on my face as the others went to get the tour bus, Andy seemed to notice as he gave my hand a squeeze before letting go allowing me to open the door. He was stood behind me, making sure no harm would come to me. I stepped in trying to be as quiet as I possibly could. I turned around and looked at him and nodded, letting him know that I couldn't see him. I jogged up stairs and collected all of my tshirts, leggings and anything else I needed and wanted to take with me. I packed it all in one bag as there wasn't really much, I was about head back down, everything was done! I'd have a better life now...everything will be okay right? However, that was until BAM! A fist collided with my face making me fall to the ground and scream in pain. I heard Andy yell at me to ask what had happened but I didn't reply as I was I too much pain. Then he kicked me leaving me helpless and sobbing on the floor, shivering in agony. I saw Andy run upstairs gasping at the sight of me and then punch my dad in the face, knocking him out,until kneeling down to me, scooping me up bridal style. As he did so I whined because the pain was growing for some random reason.
"I-I'm so sorry that happened..." He whispered in my ear gently, "from now on I promise to protect you, forever." That kind of reassured me and made me feel as if it would be okay, but deep down I knew it wouldn't be ok. Nothing will ever be ok.
Andy picked up my bag in the other hand and raced outside to be greeted by the Black veil brides tour bus. He went inside locking the door and instructing the driver to step on it, not really caring where he took us all. He laid me down on the sofa being careful not to hurt me even more than I was.
"Oh my god what happened?" Cc panicked as his eyes set upon my bruised and bleeding body. Andy hesitated before explaining what had happened, in detail. Cc looked shocked as he called the guys in to help tend to my injuries. Whenever somebody tried to wipe away the blood I flinched away, even though it caused me great pain to do so.
"Shh we won't hurt you, it'll be okay." Jinxx hushed. I sighed knowing it will just hurt more if I struggled, so I allowed them to help me now hardly flinching at all. They all looked at me sympathetically as Jake gently wiped away the late bit of blood on my lip, I knew what they were going to say; 'I'm so sorry it happened, it won't happen again.' Yeah right. Ashley went to open his mouth to speak but I cut him off.
"Save it.." I whispered, they all stared at me with curiosity. "I know what your going to just save it. It will happen again, it always does! Just look at me! I'm a mess!" I screamed, beginning to cry into my hands as I covered my eyes, hating them seeing me like this; a total wreck. Jake sighed, understanding that it probably would do, he took defeat hating to see me as I was and left the room. I could see the rest of them were fighting back tears, as they knew they could of probably gone and saved me making sure none of this had happened. I let out a yawn as I calmed down slightly with Andy's gentle but loving hug.
"I-I..." He started, but I was about to doze off in his arms as he saw my eyes flutter closed. "...sleep well, it will be over soon; I promise." And with that, I fell asleep. Allowing darkness to consume my eyes and leading me into a world full of painless dreams and good memories. It's things like this that make me wish to sleep forever, seeing all of the good things occur in my head, making it seem like a reality as everything goes as you had always wanted it too. In dreams you can get anything you want, fame, money, love the list goes on. However, there is only one bad side to it all; nightmares. But that's okay...they're better then this heart-shattering reality either way you look at it, in nightmares you can't feel the pain, only the fear. You can only see the things that scare you most, until a saviour comes to your rescue. Like my saviours. Black veil brides. 'Everything will be okay' sure it will...I've heard that lie way too many times. I can't wait until everything does actually turn out to be okay, that would be wonderful. Maybe when I wake up, I'll be locked into an endless happy dream. If only that was possible, to live your dreams and wildest desires. If only...

A/N. I will start working on chapter three tonight! Thanks for reading and chapter three should at least be out by later tonight or tomorrow. If not then as soon as I can. Thanks to all of my viewers for reading this far and sharing the adventure. I've also realised her name hasn't been mentioned, but it will do in chapter three! - L.

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