Chris X Reader

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"What the hell are you doing?" Chris shouted at you playfully, while you struggled to understand what was happening.

"I'm pressing the button but NOTHING IS HAPPENING!" You shouted throwing your PlayStation controller on the floor. Chris winced.

"Hey, hey, hey! They were expensive.."

"Sorry." You apologised, lowering your head.

"Hey, it's alright. This game's to hard for you anyway." He said, smirking

"Um excuse me what?" You said looking him dead in the eye, as it sparkled through his shiny glasses.

"Nothing." He continued to smirk at you, making you laugh. You punched his arm softly and he dramatically threw himself backwards onto the carpet.

"AH! OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'VE DONE THIS!" He screamed in 'pain', as you collapsed on the floor next to him, laughing. You sighed and finally stopped laughing, and Chris rolled his head sideway to look at you.

"Y/N?" He asked.

"Mhm?" You rolled your head to the side too, so you were facing him.

"Your hair smells nice." He randomly commented, sitting up, but smacking his head on the table. He screamed a very girly scream and layed back down again. You were laying there, literally crying with laughter as he massaged his bruised head.

"That hurrrrrt." He groaned, shoving you sideways, making you roll slightly. You sat up, making sure that you didn't smash your face in on a table, and wrapped your arms around your knees. Chris sat up, slowly this time so he didn't hurt himself again. He squashed closer to you and shoved you again.

"Say sorry." He said sternly, but comically. You cracked a smile.


"Say sorry..." He persisted.

"Make me."

He stood up, brushing down his jeans, before suddenly picking you up bridal style, and stomping into his bedroom.

"Chris stop! What are you doing!?" You yelled, looking at him.

"Making you say sorry." He said simply, kicking open his bedroom door and throwing you onto his double bed. You went bright red, as there was a pair of his underwear right next to your head where you had landed. You shuffled sideways, moving away from them. Chris noticed this and laughed.

"They're just panties Y/N." He chuckled,  "And don't worry, they're clean."

Blushed and even deeper shade of red, and covered her face with Chris's pillow.

"Cutie." You heard him mutter as he threw himself onto the bed next to you, making you bounce up and down. Did he just call you cute?!

"Hey. Stop making out with my pillow, I have to sleep on that."

You smacked him in the face with the pillow and be yelped slightly.

"Ow.." He groaned, "So that's another reason for you to apologise to me."

"Which I'm not going to do." You smirked bring the pillow back to your chest. Chris grabbed hold of the pillow and yanked it away from you, and threw it across the room.

"Hey!-" You began, but Chris had grabbed hold of you, moved over a bit and wa hovering over you.

Oh god.

"Say sorry!" He shouted.

"Never!" You shouted back.

"Well then you leave me no choice." He said, grabbing hold of your waist. Your eyes widened and he started viciously tickling you. You screamed and wiggled around but Chris just laughed.



This carried on for a little longer, until Chris just sort of collapsed and was lying on top of you. You flushed a deep shade of pink, as he had his face planted on your chest; on your breasts.

"This is surprisingly comfy." He mumbled. You closed your eyes, and just hoped that nobody would walk in. You felt Chris lift his head up, and chose to ignore it.

"Aw, you embarrassed, Y/N?" He chuckled. You groaned, shaking your head from side to side, but suddenly things went a little differently. You felt Chris's warm lips against yours, pressing against them. You felt him get up again so he was hovering above you, as he pushed you against your lips with his. He broke of the kiss, and you opened one eye. Chris just chuckled, as you blushed even darker, if that was even possible.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed." He commented, poking your nose. You opened the other eye.

"Ha ha." You fake laughed. "Oh Chris, guess what?"

"What?" He asked curiously.

You pressed your lips against his again, and you felt his lips form into a smile.

"I'm sorry." You said finally, after you broke the kiss.

"YASS! FINALLY!" He cheered, kissing you again, but then....

Ashley walked in.

Yay I enjoyed writing this, because Chris is my favourite. I had literally no idea what to write about so this just happened xD Also I'm writing this at 3:00 in the morning, so that's why it's crappy "I'm sorry"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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