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Lead eyes pierced fiercely throughout the room below, swinging from one worker to another as they abided under the palpable scrutiny of their boss. However, the images perceived through the lenses were discarded by the individual, his mind bemused despite the attentive fluctuation disfiguring his face. The withered skin gracing his undefined jaw line remained obscured by the hazel stubble clambering to the lower areas of his cheeks. Folds of exerted skin fell in uneven ridges, the irregular alignment aiding to conceal the red circles hanging limply below the set of distant eyes.

The hostility continued along his face, his eyebrows furrowing together as he set his lips into a tight line, resuming his range of vision back to the vicinity below him.

"What's the situation in Syracuse?" He stated, twisting his heels along the marble flooring. His body swung around, his eyes flittering to the four other suit clad men attentively watching his stern expression.

In the centre of them, a broad auburn haired man raised his hand, initiating a simple nod from his interrogator. "We sent the new team out to avoid any tracking, as you requested Boss," he replied as he readjusted the files stacked neatly on the desk in front of him. His shuffling continued for a moment or two, his mind accumulating the right words to phrase his upcoming question. "When's she out sir?"

"Within this month; presumably the tail end," he said, pushing his feet forward until his hips bounced into the edge of the table. He positioned his arms flatly against the wood, trailing his eyes from one end of his employees to another, "which is why I need to finalise who's escorting her to New York."

The four men somewhat squirmed under his assertive gaze; their eyes averting to anywhere in the room aside him. "Blake, do you think you're up to the job?"

His question had been directed to the youngest of the men; his time working in the corporation had been limited, though he was trusted heavily by his boss. The fair-haired boy went to reply but was cut abruptly short by the individual slouching in the chair adjacent to him, whose lips slipped out a string of words in an evidently patronising tone.

"And what'd you think Bennett'd say about that if he were still here Philip?"  He countered, pulling his body forward to rest his elbows onto the oak in an aggravating manner.

"Bennett's dead," Philip replied sharply.

"Luke isn't."

"Clark," he stated in an icy tone. "Don't bring him into this."

Clark ceased to falter under Philips threatening glare, his words flooding with certainty as he responded. "Boss, he's the best agent we've got; to hell, he's one of the best in the world," he scoffed. "You and I both know that."

"He's also one of the most wanted," Philip replied exasperated, slamming his body onto the plump chair that was positioned at the head of the desk. 

"And why do you think that is?" Clark persisted in an accusing tone. "He's remained undetected every single time that he's been out in the field, of course he's going to be heavily wanted. He has been for the past four years, but not once has he come close to being caught."

"Clark's right Boss," Blake admitted, "and we don't have any better options. So, if you want to guarantee your daughters safety, you need to bring him back." His statement was greeted by the silence that suffocated the room, with each of the men being undoubtedly aware that his words screamed the truth. The aguish lacerating at Philip for having to admit this was evident on throughout features. His fists clenched tightly as they malevolently wound around each other, a deep frown carved into his wrenched face.

"Michael," he began, flinging his eye line toward the man that had previously given him an update on the on goings in Syracuse. Philip cleared his throat, placing his heals solidly on the floor and pulling himself to surmount above his employees before assertively continuing, "I need you to reinstate Luke. I don't care how you do it, beg on your hands and knees if you must. We need him back."

Michael prudently fought the slight upturning of his lips, responding sharply, "I doubt that he'll need much convincing Boss."

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