Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Luke snapped his head to the side upon noticing that his captive had become pre-occupied. His eyes found mine as I remained stunned at the doorway before he sighed, his grip releasing as he flung his arms to his side in frustration. His hostage's back was hurled against the wall in the process. I let my eyes scan over their faces again, focusing more so onto the boy that stood wincing, rubbing his hands over his neck in the absence of Luke's grip.

He was dressed in a similar manner to Luke, his body clad in black head to toe, aside from the navy backpack that lay slumped off his right shoulder. His eyes stayed trained firmly upon my own, waiting intently for my words to become vocal as I watched him. His expression was impassive, though his skin hung low around his eyes, which were tired with sleep deprivation, while his cheeks appeared slightly rosy, presumably from his previous aggravation. A thin layer of sweat was clear along his forehead in the light, causing his hair to lay damp against his olive skin.

"Ed?" I stammered in disbelief, my eyes flickering between Luke and Ed as the two of them watched me silently. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Ed visibly winced under my harsh tone as Luke scoffed. "Oh there's a question for you Ed," he retorted with the role of his eyes before he shoved Ed over to his desk, and forced his body to fall back into the desk chair, "Might as well take a seat, we'll probably be here a while."

I stepped further into the room, shutting the door in the process as I neared the two of them with cautiously. Ed sat with his gaze trained steadily onto the ground, avoiding my stare, while Luke simply watched my movements in apprehension. "Are you going to tell me what the hell is going on or do I have work out why someone I met on the other side of the planet just so happens to end up in the private residence that I'm staying in?"

Ed opened his mouth to speak, though recoiled and slammed it shut merely seconds later, which caused Luke to sneer, "Start with New York why don't you Ed? I'm sure Adelaide would love to hear about your on goings there." Ed raised his eyes to meet Luke's, but remained mute.

"What are you going on about Luke?"

"Who the hell do you think dobbed us in Adelaide?" Luke remarked, a clear tone of aggravation present in his voice. "If it weren't for this bastard over here then we'd probably still be safe in New York right now."

"What? This doesn't make sense, how did you know who we were?" I said, attempting to keep my rage at bay as I directed my question to Ed, though once again Luke was the one to reply.

"Anyone who works for Legrenzi knows our faces, never mind his bloody nephew," he replied, watching my fists curl at my sides as he spoke.

"You're his fucking nephew?" I seethed at Ed. "Was I just some kind of prize to you? Gain my trust just so that you could get into Legrenzi's good books by getting me killed? And who the hell do you think you are turning up here? What are you trying to do? Get under my skin so you can back hand me all over again?"

"I came to warn you," Ed replied in a chillingly calm tone.

Both mine and Luke's heads snapped in his direction as he spoke, his eyes eventually meeting mine as he leaned slightly forward in his chair.

"Warn us about what?"

"Legrenzi," he replied simply, appearing unwilling to expand at first though he continued a moment later. "He doesn't mess around, and it certainly won't take him long to realise that I'm here, or that I've know about your location from the start."

"And you've known where we've been how?" I trailed off. Ed patted his jeans down before he dug into his pocket, pulling out a small mobile, which he raised in front of his chest.

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