Chapter Four

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"We meet again." It was the boy from earlier, West. He muttered this, him and Lana being the only two to hear it. He was spinning a pencil between his fingers, looking incredibly bored.

A couple of students glace back  at the two of them. All of it being completely noticeable, seeing as they were in the back of class. Though West paid no attention to their stares, Lana sits in the vacant seat across from him. Throughout the entire class period, Lana felt West's gaze, it was like the guy had nothing better to do. Causing her to feel uncomfortable, awkward and yet calm?
Once the bell rings, two students go up to her. One girl, a petite blonde with green eyes and a kind smile. She was sporting grey sweat pants and a baggy grey sweater, her hair thrown into a messy bun. She looked like the kind of girl that can't say a swear word without thinking she'd get struck by lightening.
The other girl, was tall, with dark brown skin and long red hair. And honestly, she looks like anyone's description of badass. Wearing black skinny jeans with a black button up shirt and a red leather jacket over that, and worn out combat boots. Her red hair was plaited in a braid and over her right shoulder.

Okay, Lana... Whatever you do. Don't mess with this chick.

They introduce themselves and asked if she wants to go to lunch with them. She says yes and follows them out.


"So, you moved here not too long ago huh? That's interesting." The redhead, Jasmine was her name, says as she picks at her food, looking less than happy about her chips. It was finally lunch, and she and the two girls, had made fast friends. As much as it was unexpected, it wasn't unwanted and Lana was grateful that she at least had people to show her around.
"Uh, yeah. A few days ago, my father with his job going on and stuff." Lana explains, a small smile gracing her lips. The girl smile slowly fades, feeling the hair on the back of her neck stand up, Lana looks around because she just knew someone was watching her.
Her eyes wandering around. Grey eyes clashes with blue, West was leaning against the wall, with a water bottle in his hand. He sends a nod her way, with a smile. Lana swiftly turned back around to her food, trying her best to ignore his burning stare.

"Who are you looking at?" Asks the blonde, Beth, before taking a drink of her water. "No one." Lana mutters, taking bits of her food on her fork. Lana glances behind her shoulder one last time. He was yes indeed, still staring at her. The two girls realizing who she was looking at, exchange looks that Lana did not fail to miss.
"That no one, is a someone," Jasmine says. "And, I suggest you stay away from him, he's bad news." Jasmine continues, staring directly at Lana.
"Why? And what's with everyone, and this staring? Does everyone at this school have a staring problem?" Lana asks, curiously. It was staring to get on her nerves, because all they,do is stare. She knows she's new, and her accent makes her stick out like a kangaroo in a rainforest, but surely, that's no reason to stare!
"Because, he does horrible things. He's not your typical bad boy," Beth says keeping her voice low. "More like a serial killer." Beth murmured, her voice almost inaudible. "What?" Lana questions. "Nothing." Beth says looking down at her tray of food.

"Look, West Michaels is a troubles kid. He's got issues, and I suggest that you stay away from him." Jasmine whispered.
Lana caught a hint of pain behind the girl's hushed words,  I wonder what's that about. Bad relationship, maybe?
She looks at her new found friends skeptically, all sorts of things running though her mind.
Deciding whether or not to listen to them, she gets up and walk towards West. "No, Lana, wait!" Jasmine called out. Lana stops walking, turning around to face her, she nods. " Okay, if you're sure... Stay alert, don't listen to a word he says." Jasmine almost whispers. Lana nods and continues to walk towards West.

"What are you doing?" West asks. Lana grabs his arm and drags him outside.
"Lana stop." She stopped on spot. The way he said my name. I never liked my name until he said it.' She thought.
"Come on." He says quickly, pulling her around to wat seemed like the back of the school, "where are we going?"

"Somewhere you'll love."

As if on cue, they ended up on the edge of a cliff. "What- My sister used to take me here when I was little."
Lana smiles looking out at the view below them. Seeing mostly trees before looking back at the distant school building. Wondering why they'd build a school in front of a forest, and just how many kids died on the edge of this cliff playing Lets push Jimmy for fun.
"Wow, it's beautiful,"
And this is when everything goes downhill. "My sister used to always tie strings around my arms and legs, and leave me here," West says, not looking at her, but out into the the distance.
"Sometimes, a few days, and she'd tell our parents I've gone missing. And of course they'd listen to her, they always did," West says, an angry chuckle leaving his mouth.
"One time, she hot glued the strings to me and hanged me off the cliff,"

What? What the actual fu--

Lana stood in shock, unable to even blink, she may not have siblings, but she knows what is expected of a sister... And that is definitely not it.
"Sorry.. " West says after a moment, his blue eyes finding hers.
"I shouldn't have spilled all that on you,"
"No. No it's okay. Come here," she says reaching for a hug, which he gladly excepts.
Throughout the few minutes of that hug, West was smiling, like a mad man.

This is just the beginning.


"Ah, the lady returns. And where have you been?" Her father questions as soon as she gets home. He didn't look angry, just a bit worried about the time she returned home. In truth, she took a little tour through London with Jasmine and Beth and then dropped them home on the other side of the city. She tried her best to avoid any topic regarding West, and she was grateful when neither of the girls brought him up.

"I was out with a few friends."

"Friends? You made friends?!" he says, excitedly. Lana laughs softly at her father's excitement, he pulls her into a hug, " Seeing that you made friends, how was school then?" he asks letting go of me
He and Lana sat there on the staircase leading to upstairs. She telling him everything that happened at school. Leaving out the parts, that included West. "Are you ready to eat?"  Richard asks, getting up from his seat to stretch his sore limbs.

"Yeah, just let me go change clothes." Lana runs up stairs and jumped three feet to my bed.

"Hallelujah, I missed you so much!" she mumbles into the pillow.

"Do you always talk to yourself?"
Startled, Lana looks up, the voice, came from outside. She gets off her bed and walks to the window, and across on the other side, in the house next to hers was West Michaels, watching her through his open window.

"You're my neighbor?" Lana asks, leaning against the window pane, watching the blond with a smile.

"Yes, fortunately," He smiles. "

"This just got crazy..." Lana mumbles to herself, causing West to let out a chuckle. "And you're still talking to yourself,"

"Hey! I can't help it."

West's chuckling stops, his amused expression suddenly turns serious. Too serious.

Lana turns around, feeling someone else's presence in the room, only to see George with a tray that probably held her food.

He wasn't looking at her, instead past her to West, there was something in his eyes, something that Lana just couldn't place.
"Here is your food, Mistress." He places the tray on my bed and walks out of the room without another word, shutting the door oh, so lightly.
She turns back around to see West long gone.

Wasn't that weird? I mean.. It's always weird... But.

George looked like he wanted to say something, but he supposedly decided against it.
Sighing, the girl closes her window and busied herself with changing her clothes.

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