Yugioh Truth or Dare Day 12 Part 1

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OMG! HIMENO HAS AWESOME IDEAS SOMETIMES!!! NOTE: This will be written story mode. It's really the only understandable way to write this chapter.

Himeno was making breakfast, until an argument broke out between Kasumi and Yami. As usual. "WELL AT LEAST MY SINGING ISN'T AS BAD AS YOUR HAIR!!" Kasumi yelled, walking downstairs of our clubhouse.

Used to the arguments happening between our Truth or Dare members, Himeno thought about which dare to do today. But suddenly something told her this argument is different. "I SWEAR KASUMI, YOU WILL REGRET IT!" Yami yelled. "Hmmm.. Maybe I want toast the next morning," Kasumi replied with a comeback.

"How about I hold you loose off a bridge over a lake or ocean?!" Yami shot back. I sighed, starting to worry. Suddenly I got lost in my thoughts.

"What's going on?" A shy voice, asked me as I was stirring the pancake mix. I turned my head to see Yugi with a scared face expression. "I don't know honestly. But I'm used to seeing them fight," Himeno told Yugi, even though she was mostly telling herself. "But it seems different. Kasumi isn't giving that smirk. She seems actually... Mad," Yugi replied.

Himeno stopped stirring the batter for a second. "Is she Almonds?" She asked. "No,"Yugi replied. "Then we should be fine," Himeno reassured him. "I just think it's about me," Yugi said. Himeno put the batter in the oven and looked at Yugi with a questioned look. "What do you mean?" She asked, trying to speak over the yelling. Merik walked in the kitchen and Yugi stayed silent as he did.

"What's happening?" Merik and Bakura asked at the same time. Himeno shrugged. "I have no idea," She confessed. "But breakfast will be ready in a few."

"Sweet, " Merik replied as him and Bakura went upstairs. "It's just... I like Kasumi right?" Yugi said. "Yeah," Himeno replied. "And Yami hates Kasumi, right?" Yugi asked. Himeno pointed at the arguing upstairs to let him know how obvious it is. "And even though Yami likes you, he IS my best friend. Not to mention sometimes the protective type," Yugi added.

Himeno went red. "WAIT, YAMI LIKES ME?!" She exclaimed. "Yep. Now think. If I can tell Yami likes you without him telling me, shouldn't he be able to do the same with me and Kasumi?" Yugi asked, ending his point. "OHHHH, I get it now!" Himeno exclaimed in realization.

"UGHH!!" Kasumi said as loud as she could, stomping downstairs. She stomped in the kitchen, pushing back Yugi and I. She then grabbed a piece of bread of the counter, and leaned on the counter. She took a bite out of it dramatically, Staring at the wall.

"Uh... Hey Kasumi," Yugi said. Kasumi looked at him, which frightened him a bit, but suddenly gave a hint of a smile. She laid the rest of the bread on the garnet counter and replied softly, "Hey Yugi." Yugi felt a little more happy and asked, "Everything alright?" Kasumi rolled her eyes. "Yami is just being a drama Pharaoh," She explained.

"Well imagine growing up with him," Yugi joked. Kasumi paused after a small laugh. She walked up to Yugi and said, "I got something I need to-" But suddenly Yami interrupted, "SEE?! THE PHARAOH WINS EVERY BATTLE!" Kasumi's eyes flashed red and she yelled, "OH YEAH?! WHAT ABOUT YOUR LOVE BATTLE BETWEEN YOU AND HIMENO?! BETTER GET IN LINE! IT SEEMS HER CLOTHES AND TOASTERS COME FIRST!"

Merik who just walked in with Bakura, both of their jaws, DROPPED. Himeno went COMPLETELY silent as Yami stomped in the kitchen with an unbelievably pissed off look. "WHAT did you say?" Kasumi obviously looked scared, but as usual, she took the stupid route. "You heard me," She said as her hair turned black. Her over confidence made her Almonds.

Yami lifted his hand up. "DON'T MIND CRUSH HER!!" Himeno begged. "Oh I'm not doing that," Yami promised. Then he smirked. "I'm doing MUCH worse," He added.

Kasumi gave a shocked look as it all went black.

Kasumi opened her eyes at the darkest place she ever saw. She heard screaming and crying, which filled her ears with terror. The ground was as hard and cold as the temperature. "H-Hello?" She asked.

She was answered by a strange sound, almost like a ghost from a movie. And suddenly black shadows surrounded her. She knew what was going on. It was the Shadow Realm.

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