The Tale of the Demigod

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I kept my eyes on my blindfold and bit my lip. "Well, where do I start?" I murmured. I heaved a soft sigh and began my tale.

The sun goddess Amaterasu fell in love with a human man, but it was forbidden that they are together. But Amaterasu couldn't deny her feelings for the man and neither could he. They ended up having a child together. The child seemed like a very normal child and the parents believed their child would lead a normal life without Tsukuyomi ever finding out. The father kept the child in his village away from its mother's realm, away from the danger that was the moon god.

But as the child grew older, the father noticed they could do things that others couldn't. Being able to miraculously make plants grow and animals being more friendly towards her than they would with others. Upon the day they had reached adulthood, her eyes changed to a golden color, and they radiated a sort of warmth. That was when it was explained that she was the child of Amaterasu and that she was a demigod. She was extraordinary.

When night came, her home was stormed and the moon god slaughtered her father and was going after her next. Amaterasu pushed her child to flee and she did just that. Through the village and into a forest the demigod ran, all the while being hunted down by the unrelenting force that was the moon god. She ran even when her legs started to ache and ran even when thorns stuck to her legs.

Then her escape was brought to a halt as she ran into a youkai, after discussing with the moon god about the demigod's death and both the youkai's death and her's if they were still alive, she was handed off to the youkai. But then the youkai were threatened by Amaterasu that if any harm happened to her because of them they would perish just like her daughter. So with that, they were left at a crossroads, either way, they both would die unless one of them thought of something else.

Like a miracle, the youkai came up with a plan, a plan that would conceal her mark, which was her eyes. The youkai gave them a piece of cloth and told her to have this blessed by a god or goddess and they could both live, with that the demigod had her mother bless the cloth.

"I found her in a meadow surrounded by chrysanthemums, that was the first moment I met her. The one thing I treasure the most and the one thing that keeps me alive is this single piece of cloth." After I had finished I looked at my blindfold and gripped it gently in my hands. Nanami patted my shoulder and I looked up at her and she was smiling reassuringly at me, "We'll help you," she told me. I hadn't felt happier in a long time and I actually started to tear up a little, "Thank you, thank you so much!" I rubbed a tear off that slid down my cheek and smiled happily to Nanami.

"I've already done enough for you already," Tomoe said and he turned and left my room, Mizuki stumbled back when Tomoe turned and fell over outside of my room. I grit my teeth as Tomoe left and suddenly I heard a shout from him a little way down the hall and then a thump. I smiled a little upon hearing this, "Shouldn't you be wearing your blindfold now?" Nanami asked curiously. "I can take it off during the day," I replied back to her and then tied it around my wrist, "Only issue would be youkai coming after me." Nanami nodded and replied, "I'll have to have Mizuki with you at all times to keep you safe." I stood up and stretched my arms above my head, Nanami followed my lead and stood up with me, "Well anyways, Tomoe had finished dinner while you were sleeping and I had come to wake you up for it. But obviously you know how that went." a giggled followed after she had said this.

Nanami and I had left my room and outside there was a plant that had grown between the floorboards and a very angry Tomoe waiting beside it. "What is the meaning of this?!" Tomoe growled as I walked with Nanami. "What?" I asked, he then proceeded to point to where the plant was, "This!" I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know what you're talking about, there's nothing there." the plant that I had grown had receded back under the floorboards as if it was never there, Tomoe did a double take and then looked to me and narrowed his eyes at me.

I shrugged and let Nanami lead me away from the enraged fox with a chuckling snake followed behind us. We passed by an open door which allowed me to see where the sun was in the sky, it was close to sunset and it scared me for how long I've had my blindfold off that I almost grabbed it and threw it back on myself. But I refrained from doing so since I still had time, and continued to the dining table where Nanami and myself sat down and were served by Tomoe. "I present Miso and Shiitake ramen." Nanami gave a heaved sigh at the sound of it, "Tomoe, you know I hate mushrooms!" I, on the other hand, wouldn't turn up my nose at them if they were given to me. "Thank you for the meal." I then opened my chopsticks and took a bite of the ramen and was surprised at the taste.

I didn't need human food to keep me alive but it was nice to have it once in a while, especially food like this and also apples; Apples are my favorite. "Wow, this is so good!" I exclaimed and Nanami looked like she was about to be sick, "How could you eat those disgusting things?" she looked at her food disdainfully and started to pick the mushrooms out of her ramen. Tomoe growled, "Nanami, you should eat them because they're good for you!" in response Nanami stuck her tongue out at him and proceeded to pick the mushroom out of her food all the while Mizuki happily took away the discarded mushrooms and Tomoe beat Mizuki with his cooking book and telling him to stop.

I laughed at the scene before me, I could tell that I was going to have a great time here. I hoped maybe I could get along with everyone in due time and hopefully I'd be able to escape the reality of my fate. Even for a little while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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