.How your dealing with the hell I put you through.

114 13 1


January 8

When Gerard woke up, he was on the floor next to his couch.

Confused as hell, he got up, groaning at the pain in his lower back and side, and stood on his feet, walking, or at least trying to, to the kitchen and pressed the 'on' button on his coffee machine.

He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and turned around, turning on the sink faucet and cupped his hands, getting water, splashing it in his face and turned off the faucet.

He rubbed his face and let out a sigh, looking around and grabbed a hand towel, wiping his face when he then heard a thump.

He froze in his place, turning around slowly, and walked silently to the living room to see a black figure standing there with its back facing Gerard.

He frowned and blinked a couple of times, seeing blurry and once it went away, the figure was there, looking at him wide eyed and frozen. It was the man.

"Oh..uh..h-hi.." Gerard waved a bit.

The man stood still, looking at Gerard straight in the eye.


The coffee machine beeped, making the man jump.

Gerard licked his lips and wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans, "Uh..I..I uh..you want some coffee?" He offered, seeing the man slowly swallow.

Gerard coughed and awkwardly backed away, gesturing for the man to come with him.

Hesitantly, the man moved very slowly to Gerard, making Gerard smile and grab two cups, pouring coffee into them.

The man stared in amazement at how he was doing that, he wanted to even touch the steam that was around the strange brown-black liquid.

Gerard finished and set the cup in front of the man, drinking his own, "So...what's your name?"

The man didn't reply, he just kept staring at the cup in deep thought.

Gerard frowned a bit and sipped his coffee, "Uh..I, uh...do...er..have you ever had coffee before...?"

The man looked at Gerard with big eyes.

Just then did Gerard realize that the man's eyes were a green hazel mixed with a light brown. They were gorgeous. Gerards eyes widened and he pushed away that thought.

He wasn't gay...

He just thought the man's eyes were really pretty..that's it.

Gerard shook his head and drank his coffee, making the man's eyes go back down to look at the cup again.

Well, this man was definitely something.


Awh, yesh.

I finally updated..





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