Chapter 6 :True Love

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Me and Tailor Where unpacking our suitcases and there was a knock on the door i told tailor "keep unpacking i'll get it " I walked to the door and opened it it was a employee she said "do you need anything??" I said"No thank you we are fine" she walked away and i shut the door  Tailor walked in and said "who was that??" I said  "it was just a employee wanting to know if we needed anything" Tailor said"what did you say ??" I said"I said we didn't need anything cause we don't" Tailor said"Well come on we need to unpack"  We walked into our rooms and started unpacking 45 mintes later we where both done i was closing my finall dresser drawer and tailor walked in saying "You done yet??" I said"Yep Just got finised" Tailor said"I am going to make me some ranch dorrito nachos you want some??" I said"Sure i love the way you make them" She said "Thanks" then walked out the room I got out mmy iphone and plugged it in i turned it on i opened my messages and hit new i typed in harry's number and texted : Hey harry it's angela the girl you met in the lobby  i hit send and almost 5 seconds later i got a text back saying : HEY!! Did you finnally get settled?? I texted him back saying: WOw where you waiting on me to text you?? and yeah lucky we packed for a 4 months stay we are staying 3 and a half months here i hit send and he replied saying :Yeah i was your very pretty me and the guys are heading to the pool you girls wanna come with us?? I said :yeah sure but let us eat first btw bring niall Tailor thinks he is a total hotty He replied saying will do we will be there in 10 mins what floor do you stay on?? I replied saying:top floor he said: That's the same floor we are on!! i said:Cool our room number is 145 he replied saying:146 You live right next door i got the text and said to myself Oh my god this is embarrising!! I said :awesome see you in 10  I got off my bed and walked to the kitchen to see Tailor making the nachos She saw me and said:t"hey are in the microwave i hope they are extra tasty i'm starving"  Your always starving Tailor she took the nachos out of the microwave and set them down lets eat i said"wanna go to the pool after we are done niall is gonna be there" Taillor  "yea sure let's eat later i want to meet niall!!" I texted harry saying"We are ready" We hurried to get our swimsuits on and grabbed some towels i grabbed my new light up beats by Dr.dre and sat on our couch wairing for them to arrive there was a knock on our door i opened it to see hary and niall I said "Hey harry we are ready to go" He said "You look so hot in a bikini!!" I replied "T-Thanks" We walked to the elevator and went to the pool

Love Of My Life    Dedicated to:@katniss4ever123Where stories live. Discover now