Chapter 4

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As I packed the belongings that I had brought to Vegas with me, half of me couldn't help but wonder if Colin would follow me home. If I really meant anything to him.

The other half kept reminding me that he had noticed the rings that I really liked when we were at the jeweller's, and bought them for me. I didn't know what to think, but then my negative side shouted, 'What's he going to say when he finds out your big secret?' I shuddered, but steeled myself; first he had to follow me home.

I didn't think that I would regret marrying Colin. Lori had told me to give him a chance, and the rings he bought showed me that I could give him a chance. Lori told me to have fun, to make the most of this trip – and given my time constraints – I believe that I have made the most of it. I mulled it all over as I put on comfortable jeans and a sweatshirt to travel in. I hung up the rental dress with the return slip – the rental shop said that the hotel would return it as long as the form was correctly filled out.

I sat on my bed and stared at the rolling rack.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do with you?" I asked it, Lori had rather mysteriously informed me that its contents were mine. I couldn't quite understand this whole trip; I had worked so hard to afford to be here, and hadn't managed to scrape enough together. In the end I had enough to pay my domestic flights in New Zealand, but not enough for the international, or connecting flights to and from Las Vegas. And I certainly didn't have enough to pay for my room, never mind taxis and food. I was so surprised when Lori called me to tell me that it was all taken care of. I'm still surprised.

A knock at the door jolted me out of my stunned staring contest with the clothes.

"Colin!" I squeaked. He pulled me to him, knocked the breath right out of me.

"Are you running away?" He asked, his voice giving away his concern.

"Not exactly." I sighed, then beckoned him in before sitting on the end of my bed again.

"Then what's going on?" Colin asked, reaching out to reassure himself that I'm still here.

"I have to go home. I can't stay here, if I do I'll lose everything." I emphasised, while holding his hand where it rested against my cheek. Colin gazed into my eyes, but it was more like he was seeing through them while deep in thought. Eventually he nodded.

"I can't come with you; I have some things to tidy up. But I promise I'll be there as soon as I can. Do you need help packing?" He swept his thumb across my cheekbone before he stepped away. I simply pointed at the rolling rack of doom. I had nothing to pack it all in, and couldn't afford to ship it if I did. Colin grinned happily.

"Now that I can help with. Wait right here, I'll be back in a minute."

Colin returned with an enormous suitcase – that five minutes later proved to be exactly the right size. I raised a suspicious eyebrow at him.

"Well, now that it's packed I suppose I should get the hotel to ship it." I said and Colin looked at me strangely.

"Surely you can just take it on the plane with you." He said. I smiled indulgently.

"I can't afford the excess baggage charge – it's cheaper to ship it." Colin nodded in understanding.

"How soon do we need to be at the terminal?" He asked. I checked my watch.

"We should probably drag all of this downstairs, arrange to have the hotel ship this suitcase." I nudged it with my toe. "And check out, then it'll be time to go. I want to step into the reception for a moment and say goodbye to Lori and Drew."

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