First Date ♡

35 11 4

Maia's pov :

I woke up immediately checking my phone ... like always .

To :Niall

  Good morning Niall .

From : Niall

Good morning Maia .

To :Niall

I dreamt of you :).

From : Niall

Aaw that's cute *!

To : Niall

So what are you plans for today ??*

From Niall

not much we have an off day so ya ... chilling *


Cool ya me too hahha # being lazy *

From : Niall

well if your not doing anything ... then I'm taking you out on a date ?!*

To : Niall

Yayyyyy our first date ♡

From : Niall

yah Yayyyyy ♡

To : Niall

Emily just fell off the bed haha ... I'm laughing my butt off .

I woke Emily up and helped her onto the bed while laughing really hard .

"Oh shut up." she mumbled .

From : Niall

is she Oky hahha ?!*

To : Niall

Jip but she's pissed because I laughed at her hahha ... !*

From : Niall

hahha I can just imagine ... I have to go uhm can i pick you up at about 4 for our DATE ♡ ??!*

To : Niall

hahha ... yes see you later*!

From : Niall 

Oky ..!*

I climbed out of my bed and Headed downstairs . 

I was watching Pretty little liars when Micheal and Louis Entered the house .

"Hey Maiallls !!." They  said plopping down on the couch .

"Heyy guys ." I pressed the info button and looked at the time . 

"Oh shit."  I jumped up and ran upstairs . I didn't realize it was already that late . 

I walked into the bathroom  adjusted the shower water and got in .... I did what I had to .

I climed out and decided to wear my new york top with a short Jean and black tomy's .

I did my hair and Make- up . When I was finally done I headed downstairs .

"Heyy ." harry and Emily said moving up a little so I could sit . 

"Hey guys." I replied .

The doorbell rang ... I'll get it I stood up .

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