The Choices

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Stepping toward the door, I motion for James to come over. "Come on. He's not that bad." I say and open the door. Inside, William is standing there. It is a circle room, with nothing in it except a desk. It had white walls and no windows.

"Hello?" I asked stepping into the room. "I asked to see you alone. My retard father must have let YOU in." He said to me, but pointing at James. I looked over at James, who looked like he was ready for a fight. "Shut up." He said calmly, but you could tell there was anger in his voice. I'd never heard that tone before. Even when he was mad at me and I almost killed myself trying to hunt, it wasn't this tone. When he was mad at me, it was out of protection. This time, he was clearly angry. But I held him back. "William." I said sternly. "You're the retard." He gave me a vague grin. "Your the retard!" He said in a high pitched tone that mocked me. "Just take the boy out." James scowled. "I'm seventeen." When had he turned seventeen? He had always been sixteen, just like me, so when was his birthday? Only then did it occur to me that I didn't know.

As soon as I knew it, William was sitting on top of the desk, on the phone and the people I saw before, the ones wearing all black, burst into the room. There were about five or six them, and they carried James out of the room. "Mia! Be careful!" I heard James yell as they slammed the door. "Hmmmm..." William said mockingly. "What do we have here?" He asked. "Oh yes. That's right. Mia Divane." What had happened? He didn't seem this, this... mean when we had met. "Don't talk to me." I said, doing my best to sound stern. "But I am talking to you. And you're talking...To me!" Rage filled me with anger. He sure did know how to get on someone's nerves. It's amazing how people can act one way at first, but then change so fast. I knew everyone here is bad.

I was about to storm out of the room when William said: "Come on. We're going to go get some food. You must be starving!" Another change. I was shocked. Was this his real side? Or did he choose to act this way around me? I just couldn't figure him out.

He jumped down from his desk, and walked over to me. "Oh, and by the way..." He paused. "You can call me Will. I hate it when people call me William." I almost laughed. Maybe he wasn't that bad.

He walked with me, taking rights and left, and if I hadn't been with him, I would've been too lost to find daylight again. He lead me down two flights of stairs into a huge room were tons of people were eating. "This is the cafeteria." He said. "I'll let you get what you want. Meet me back here." He said and pointed to a table. Not really knowing what to do, I walked away without asking questions. Through the tables, I finally found a bar-thing where people stood behind it, serving food. I walked up to a line of people in the back. I guess there was one of these at home, but it was to serve the elders who didn't have children or they had already grown up. If there was ever any surplus, it would go to them. I missed home. I missed it. I wanted to go home.

Something snapped me back to reality when someone called, "Next! We've said it three times! Pay attention!" A girl waved her hand in front of my face. I moved up in the line, saying nothing. I grabbed a plate and different people asked me if I wanted a salad, pizza, and some sort of thing they called a burger. I knew what pizza was, and it was good, but we never had it at home. It was too hard to make. I asked for a slice of pizza and a burger, because we always had salad at home. I went back to find Will, but no one was there. "Will?" I said, under my breath, and put my food down. He came right over with a burger in his hand. "Someone say my name?" I nodded. "Where were you?" I asked. "I had to get my food too you know!" He exclaimed and sat down. I did the same. "What time is it?" I asked, becoming aware that I only had five days. "Here." He said and gave me a black box. I opened it, and inside was something I'd never seen before. "It's a watch." He said, getting the feeling I didn't know. "You put it on your wrist." He said, putting it on my wrist. The metal felt cool, and the watch was all black, until red numbers appeared. It scared me half to death. "See?" He said. "It's on. Now you can see the time." 12:40, it read. "Will." I told him. "I only have four more days." He listed closely, and then said: "Its not the time you have, it's the choices you make."

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