Chapter Four: Personal Files.

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Beth POV

Tayuya and I stood in a dark alleyway, the cover of darkness welcoming. We had waited till nightfall to approach the Kazekage's building. I knew that less people would be present in the building at that time. We wore dark hooded cloaks to hide our appearances but they could only do so much. We needed to stay out of sight period.

I felt a draft rush passed me, my body shivering slightly at the sudden change in temperature. The night was so much colder then the scorching day. I personally didn't mind the cold weather. That was when you could curl up in a heavy blanket and drink hot tea while you looked out at the skies. This kind of cold however, windy weather, was something I despised.

"Do you have a plan?" Tayuya inquired with a seed of doubt implanted into her tone.

"Are you afraid?" I replied smugly. She narrowed her eyes. The only way to make Tayuya quiet down and do what you want was to question her bravery, a technique which I learned early on and had continued to use throughout our truce.

"Never." She stated, her voice now indisputably firm. I nodded once and stood up, leaning around the corner to see if there was anyone around. I didn't expect there to be at this late hour, but merchants were known for their late closing times, and even though it was past midnight, I needed to watch myself and make sure I wasn't seen by anyone who was against me.

I turned back to Tayuya and explained to her what I needed her to do. I didn't want her to come with me into the building as I needed to watch my own back and couldn't afford to be caught. Two people made it easier for this to happen. In addition it was smarter for her to be free in order to go to Orochimaru if something were to go wrong.

"Okay Tayuya, I have this covered but I have something I need you to do." She looked at me with a questioning look on her face. "Konoha. The shinobi you attacked would've told the village about me. I need you to go back through the desert the way I showed you and make your way to Konoha. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura will try to follow me here. They'll know we were headed to the Sand Village and will want to come here themselves. I will stay here until you return but I need information. I would go myself but–"

"I'll go. But are you sure you don't need help, especially with the Kazekage?" I shook my head and turned once again to the empty street.

"I can handle it. If I run into him then I'll deal. Now go." She nodded and started to move back the way we came. However before she was too far I grabbed her wrist, she turned her head to look at me. "Thank you Tayuya." She nodded and then as I released her wrist, she left.

I jumped up onto the roof of the stall that I stood behind and then continually moved along the rooves of each shack until I reached the entrance to the Kazekage's building. I knew getting in and obtaining the specified document that Orochimaru needed wouldn't be easy, especially since the scroll was in the Kazekage's private files in his office. I hoped he was out, taking care of business in another area of the village. Although rare since he was such a hard worker, I hoped I was luckier than I thought.

I shifted through the back entrance until I reached the back of the building. There was only one door to the building and there were too many Sand shinobi posted there for me to take out without someone being alerted. Attaching a rope to a kunai, I threw the kunai up the building to the fifth floor. Climbing up the rope was simple enough, however going past each balcony without being seen was another matter. I was careful in cutting the rope after every floor I passed. I didn't want them to notice it, if they hadn't already.

Many of the shinobi posted on the back balconies spent most of their time sleeping since nothing really happened there. That was my opening.

As I shimmied up the rope I managed to make it to the fourth floor without incident. However as I reached the balcony of the fifth floor the kunai started to bend. The weight of me and the rope was too much for the kunai to handle. The metal hadn't penetrated the rock far enough and so the strength of the attachment was lacking. The stone crumbled sending the knife and rope flying towards the ground, me along with it.

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