chapter three

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Still emma's pov 5 hours later on the plane
We found out who it was and cought him it was really hard cause it was my first case but this is what it Always will be I only need to get used to it but the team is amazing so far I am so happy there is something moving next to me I turn to see that Reid is came to sit in the seat next to me 'so how was I doing' I ask him 'you were amazing' he says

Back home
When  we Land agent hotchner told us we could go home and get some rest i got home and there was something in my mail box two where bills but the another one was in a black envelope with a big red x on it I open it and it says
You thought you could run away from me but guess what not you bitch I found you just as all the other times why are you still trying. Did you thougt when i  work at the bau  he wouldn't haunt you now forget what you tought I am not only chasing you , you can all so not tell anyone our I will kill your team one by one -x
Not again how did he find me is it possible that I have a big board with me that says here am I  or something because how hard I will try too hide but he  always finds me how those he do that I think to myself  before I go inside.
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I know this chapter is really short but I have a few things to say 1. I am on my winter break so i have lots of time 2. I am probably going to put the book on hold after winter break for just a short time that's what I hope at least 3. Does anyone have tips for when you're stuck in writers block because I had that lately I am really bad at cooperating with that if you have some can you please comment it bellow 4. I will totally explane everything about the stalker and stuff in the up coming chapters
X cmlover363

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