One ♚

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I held the glass in my hand, swirling it as I stared down at the brown liquid sloshing around the rim of the cup. This was my very first taste of alcohol. With the repetitive movement, a small amount spilled onto the table. Shit, I said to myself, bringing me back to reality. The loud noises of people yelling mixed with the smooth sounds of violin, with a little bit of piano, became recognizable again. It was as if the whole world had paused for a moment and all that was in motion were my thoughts and my moving hands, sloshing the alcoholic liquid around.

Today was my twenty-first birthday. I took a break from my college studies and decided to celebrate with my roommate, Flora. She insisted we celebrate my birthday with my first cup of alcohol.

"Come on Anaï! Take a swig!" She cheered, moving with the hypotonic beat of the music filling the room.

"Okay, okay!" I laughed and took a mouthful of the drink. My eyes watered and my throat burned. It didn't taste as good as I thought I would.

"Come on, let's dance!" She grabbed my hand and lead me to the dance floor.

The rest of the evening, I took turns drinking and dancing.

By the end of the night, I was tipsy, stumbling and slurring my words.

Flora had the great idea to go skinny dippy in the ocean with two other people we met. I agreed to go and we're currently driving to the shoreline.

When we got there, I immediately removed my clothes and jumped in the cold water. I swam a little out. There was a strong storm brewing ahead but I did not pay attention to it.

As I was swimming, I got a little too far out and the current got really strong. I lost my footing and began to drown. My lungs filled with water and my ears buzzed.

The last thing I heard before I fell unconscious were the muffled screams of my name.


I woke up to a dull ache in the back of my head. My throat was really sore and my eyes hurt. I tried to sit up but I got too dizzy. I feel like i've been hit by a truck on the freeway. 

What the hell happened?

"Do not sit up. You hit head your head pretty hard princess," I heard someone say.

"Wh--w-" I tried to talk but my throat was too sore.

"You mustn't try to talk either," the same person spoke again.

"What's happening?" I asked weakly.

"We don't know your majesty. We found you lying on the floor of your chambers. Would you perhaps inform us as to what happened?"

I opened my eyes to see a girl in a maids outfit looking down at me with concern. She had long brown hair that was pulled back in a ponytail. 

"Who are you? Where's Flora?" I fumbled for my phone.

"I've already told you your majesty. Do not sit up. You have a huge bruise on your cheek." She completely ignored me.

I begin to get angry, "What the hell do you mean 'your majesty'?! And where is Flora?! Am I at the hospital?!"

"Y-you're majesty! Wh-why are you speaking this way?!" She looked horrified.

"What?!" I snapped beginning to get angry. Who is this random girl annoying me? Where am I?

"You mustn't speak that way! Ladies do not speak like that!" She scolded but immediately looked down when she saw my expression. "I am so sorry your majesty. I am out of line."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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