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The twins and their friends go shopping after school to help their friends pick out pumpkins to carve.

"Let's get this one!" Katsuo said holding up a big pumpkin.

"I like that one, I'll take it!" Hikari said taking it from Katsuo.

"Check out this one!" Isamu said looking at the pumpkins.

"Katsuo you and your brother can pick out the candles for us." Mana said suggesting that they do that.

"Sure!" They both answered.

They headed to the isle that had candles and other stuff, in the isle they looked all around at the candles.

"Let's smell some to see which ones are the best!" Katsu said cheerfully.

"Yea that's a great a idea!" Katsuo said agreeing.

They picked up one candle at a time and smelled them, some they didn't like and there were some that they did like. They picked out the ones they liked and took extra ones for their new house, after picking out the candles they went back to their friends to show them the ones they chose.

"Look guys!" Katsuo said showing them.

"Whoa that's a lot!" Hitoshi said looking at the candles.

"Yea what's with the extra candles?" Isamu asked wondering about it.

"The extra ones are for our new house." Katsu said explaining.

"You guys have a good taste in picking out the right candles!" Mana said cheerfully smiling.

"Yea Mana's right you guys are great at picking out the good ones!" Hikari said agreeing with Mana.

"Thanks!" The twins said cheerfully smiling.

"Let's hurry up and pay for these stuff and get to carving our pumpkins!" Hitoshi said carrying his pumpkin.

They quickly paid for their stuff and headed to Mana's house to carve pumpkins.

"Alright let's start carving!" Hikari said excitedly.

"We'll get some bags for the seeds." Katsu said walking into the kitchen to find some bags.

They came back with some bags for the seeds then they were finally prepared to start carving the pumpkins, the twins helped carve and after carving they helped clean up and had snacks.

"That was fun!" Mana said throwing her arms in the air happily.

"Yea it was!" Katsuo said agreeing.

Katsu yawned sleepily leaning against his brother.

"It's getting late we should start heading home." Isamu said before he yawned.

"Your right, we'll see you at at school!" Hitoshi said before leaving.

They headed out the door and left Mana's house.

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