Chapter one : the new start

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"beep beep beep ".

Dang it my Alarm clock had gone off I mean it was such horrible timing I got out of my bed and went and took a shower. I put some clothes on a cute crop top and ripped jeans with a leather jacket and ran down stairs. I was greeted by one of the maids

" hi Lexi " she said " oh hi Elizabeth " I answered back with a quick smile. I walked into the kitchen to see the chef making omelets and my dad in the corner talking on the phone,

" No. I don't care what they want, this is my company. If I want a  new damn file room, then deal with it! Make it happen, I pay you to be my assistant for a reason bob". My father demanded.

"Hi dad",  I said quietly, he quickly pulled away from his phone and whispered quietly;

" Oh hi sweetheart, hope you have a good day bye. "

He got up at walked out the front door I looked and saw my sister sitting on the counter eating toast the chef handed me a plate with the omelet on it " thank you" I said politely to him " oh no problem miss Lexi". I sat down and ate my breakfast I pulled out my phone and went on Instagram I finished sand handed it to the maid in the kitchen I turned around and saw that Selena, my sister was still eating " Selena come on I don't want to be late ". I said in a annoyed tone

" okay okay geez I'm coming ". She jumped off the counter handed the plate to the maid and grabbed her backpack .

I walked to me big Lexus suv in my garage I hoped in the driver seat clicked the garage button and looked back I backed out of the garage Selena jumped in the front seat and I drove off here I come school hope your ready.

I finally pulled up and saw the school it was huge I parked the car and got out Selena walked to the back to meet me we both admired the school " ok Selena your a junior and I'm a senior so let's go our different ways ok?" " ok see you later lex " she walked off to the school I locked the car and walked into the building and went to the main office got my information and went it my locker put my stuff in it and Walked to my first class . I saw the teacher and walked up to her "I'm Lexi king I'm new here " I said " ok Lexi let me introduce you to the class and then you can go to your seat ". She said brightly " class this is Lexi King she just transfer here from Florida please show her you best respect". I walked up to a seat and sat next to a Hispanic girl she had long brown hair and warm brown eyes she was so pretty I got jealous she turned around and said " hi I'm Kayla you must be Lexi nice to meet you " I shook her hand nice to meet you too". She asked me if she could see me schedule and I pulled it out we had 5 classes together she asked me to sit with her and her friends at lunch I said sure I guess making friends in this school and fitting in wont be so hard after all.

It came lunch time and I came near kayla in the middle of the cafeteria there weren't a lot of people but I guess a normal amount of people were their probably because lunch was just starting more people started coming in the door some to our direction I got in the line grabed my food and headed to the table now kayla and three girls and two boys were at the table talking a bunch of girls kept stopping and looking at the boys at our table but the boys didn't seem to notice them one boy was staring at kayla while she was talking when the other was talking to the one of the other girls I sat down next to kayla she noticed me and stopped talkiņg to the guy "hey guys this is lexi she's new here I invinted her to sit with us today ".

 " So this is Ashden ". She said pointing to the guy on the right he winked at me I blused " and this is jake " she said pointing to the guy on the left he looked at me with a slight smile she turned around and pointed to the girl next to her " this is Ally ". Ally giggled and waved hi at me then kayla pointed to the girl in the middle "this is jade " she gave me a quick nod and quick wave hi and looked back at the last one " and this is macknzenie but we call her mack ".

 Mack looked up and a huge smile speared across her face and she jumped up gave me a hug really tight hug actually like I could not breath hug she let go and jumped back into her seat kayla was about say something when two other boys plotted in front of me pushing ashden and jake to be facing ally and jade the first one flashed a perfect smile my way and said " I'm jason kayla forgot to metion us because she hates us" giving her a wink she rolled her eyes the other one pushed jason on the floor picked me up sat me on his lap and said " hi I'm jaxon I'm sorry for my brother ". He pushed a piece of blonde hair out of my face " your pretty you know " he said in my ear I blushed " thanks I'm lexi ".

 " well lexi welcome to the popular squad " he said spreading his arms in the air I giggled to myself we talked for the next 20 minutes the bell rang I got off jaxon and threw away my food someone grabbed my arm and I turned around it was jaxon " let me see your schedule" he asked I took out my schedule and handed it to him he looked it over " guess what your in most of my classes so your hanging out with me now " he said with a grin.

 I was going to ask what he meant by that he grabbed my waist and picked my up I was so surprised I didn't say anything but he grabbed my things and walked out the front door of the school " wait I need to go to class " I whined " sorry your skipping today " he said with a sly smirk oh what have I got my self into ?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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