Ditching the 'H' and Facing the Bullies

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First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone. I know that I have not update in about two months but I have my reasons. Recently, my ADHD has not acted up a lot. I'm going to be a teenager soon (yes, I am 12) and the 'hyper' part is slowly fading away. There are good things and bad things about this. I will start with the bad as this is a rant book:

1. I am now very spacey, I have caught myself missing 10 seconds of a conversation or a lecture in class. This never happened when I was younger and personally, I choose being hyper over spacing out every two minutes.

2. I am sad and depressed more easily. This hasn't been a huge problem because this school year has actually gone very well but not being so hyper all the time has still affected me.

Phew, that was a lot of complaining... I'm getting rusty guys! So anyways, the good things. Here you go:

1. It's much easier to focus on homework. Granted, I still check myself out in the mirror, practice some dances, etc. all the usual but I feel that I am focusing much better now.

2. PEOPLE DON'T CALL ME A SPAZ! Don't do it, it's not right. You may think your being funny by making fun of someone who has ADHD but 95% of the time, they won't like it.

Almost everyone with ADHD will be bullied in their school life and I happened to be one of them. All through fourth grade I was bullied and I only had a few friends. I so that is not the most severe bullying situation but it was still bad. Bullying is the worst thing you could ever do to someone and it makes no sense that you would ever PURPOSEFULLY make fun of someone just to make them feel bad about themselves, or for any reason at all really! Today I had a friend who also has ADHD (she will remain unnamed, please do not comment who it is if you know) tell me that she got physically bullied by a new kid, a boy. This girl has been bullied in the past and I apologize if I'm embarrassing is person but I can't stand to not let people know about this. This girl is an amazing person who can lift anyone's spirits with a good hug or even just a smile. At school, kids were calling her fat and ugly. Some kids even cut her wrist with an exacto knife! And she is in sixth grade!!! This is entirely unacceptable and I almost want to go to her school and best up those kids for her. I can't believe anyone would even attempt to do that to anyone.

Having ADHD may seem like a burden at first but it doesn't have to be, embrace who you are. Laugh at yourself when people laugh at you, make funny faces during awkward moments, sing in the hallways, say hi to everyone you pass, dance around all day, do whatever you want and prove to everyone you don't give a SHIT what they say. Everyone is beautiful in their own special way, except for the people who don't see the beauty in others. Don't be the person who is ugly because they don't see the beauty in others. I always say to my friend at school "shield the haters" while she is putting in her Invisalign. In this case, don't shield the haters block out the haters, don't let them get to you. They probably have their own insecurities too, why else would they be making fun of you??

I'm fat. Maybe if I make fun of her people will think I'm cool and won't care about me being fat.

Your stupid, people won't make fun of you for being fat if you own it. Kim Kardashian is pretty fat right?? Yeah... What about normal people, well... I can't guarantee you will be as successful as Kim but own who you are and maybe you will be. Those kids are just wasting their time making fun of someone else when they should really be readjusting their morals. Don't let anyone get in the way of you being you. YOU DO YOU BAE. I mean it, be yourself always.

I knew this was kinda long and a little off topic but I felt it was really important, I hope I could help someone who is going through a tough time right now, trust me, you will get through it and end up a better, more experienced person in the end.

Be yourself, love yourself, Respect yourself.

Extra love to keep the bullies away💋💋💋💋


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