Dan and Phil Games #1

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Phil's POV
I smiled to myself as I hopped out of bed,walked over to my dresser,and threw on a random,but colorful,T-shirt.

"another great day,the sun is shining,the birds are chirping,perfect internet conditions"

I stifled a yawn as I walked to the kitchen,Dan was up pacing 'till five again,and I had gotten almost no sleep.

While I sat down at the table,my brain filled with thoughts of lions,dinosaurs,and other awesome things.

I wish I was a lion,then I could save people heroically,I would be called Lion-Man! Or Lion-Lion,seeing as I was all lion and no man. I let my mind wander for a while.

About five minutes later,Dan stumbled into the kitchen and I was snapped out of my thoughts.

"He looks absolutely adorable today," I thought to myself happily,I had had a small crush on him for a few months now,and it was only getting stronger over time.

"Hey,Phil,can you pass me the cereal?"
Dan mumbled, I giggled,

"can't you get it yourself,silly?"

Dan whined,

"it's too faaaaar..."

I ended up getting the cereal for him.

After breakfast,We decided to make a Dan and Phil Games video,a Mario Kart rematch.

I had totally beat his butt last time,and I guess he wanted revenge. *evil Dan laughter commences*
We set up the cameras,turned on the Wii U,and got ready to play. I,of course,got the Wii U pad,seeing as it was my favorite.

"Hey,there Dan and Phil Games...Tires?...,"

I said,we still couldn't find a good name.

"So,today we are playing...Mario Kart,Again!"

Dan continued for me,

"Phil beat me last time,and I want a rematch,so,we give you...the Dan and Phil Ultimate Mario Kart Smackdown!"

To be Continued...
Hey,I'm sorry to anyone who actually gives a crap,This is really short and bad. But hey,I tried! I'll post the next part(s) two days apart,OK? Byeeeee

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