The Black Hole

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It was dark. Everywhere I looked was black, pitch black darkness. No sign of any light to be seen. It felt like I was sucked in a black hole and I just couldn't get out of it.

I kept walking and walking, further into the darkness, but there was no end to this black hole. I was scared for forever darkness like this. For an eternity being in this black hole. I didn't know what to do, so I kept walking and walking, hoping that there'd be an end to this.

I heard voices, soft whispers of people. Tons of people whispering all kind of things that I didn't understand. I didn't know what they were saying and actually I was relieved that I couldn't. I ignored their whispers. I kept walking and walking, but the voices became louder and louder until the whispers became screams.

I began to run, harder and harder, but there was no end to this. The screams kept going on and on and I ran harder and harder. I couldn't understand why I was here. Why I was put in this black lifeless hole.

Eventually I stopped running, I stood still. There was someone in front of me with a little light. Slowly I started walking towards this person. I came closer and closer, but it wasn't a person at all. I stopped walking. He didn't have a face, but he did have a body and a head.

I screamed. I screamed as hard as I could. The person began walking towards me, he came closer and closer to me. I stood there not knowing what to do or what to say. Eventually he was so close to me that I could feel his appearance. The warmth of his body close to my ice cold one. I slowly brought my hand to his head. But the moment I touched him, he vanished.

I stood there breathing loudly. So confused and so scared for what to come. So I began walking again, further and further into the darkness. Into this black hole and I was even more scared than I thought someone could be.

The voices stopped screaming. There was no more sound to be heard. I never thought that this kind of silence existed. It was even more scary than the whispers and the screams. Again, I didn't know what to do. So I began walking and walking. And again there was this person standing there with a little light coming closer and closer to me. I stopped walking. I stood there, making no sound at all. Nor any movement.

The person was again in front of me, again I could feel his appearance. His warm body close to my ice cold body. Again I tried to touch him, but he vanished. Just like before. But there was a difference. Behind the spot where he stood was a door.

I started running towards the door, relieved that I could finally get out of this black hole. I opened the door and the same person stood there. I screamed so hard that my throat burned. I turned around running away, and before I knew it I was back in my bed.

My own bed, in my own room, in my own house. Where everything made sense. But one thing didn't. A door. The same door as before. It was there, where it didn't belong.

Slowly I got out of my bed, walking towards the door and I opened it. My curiosity getting the best of me.

A room full of the same person from before over and over again behind the door. Thousands of the same person, not thousands, an uncountable amount of the same man.

I screamed and my room disappeared suddenly. I was back in the same black hole I was in before. But all the men were gone. I was alone all over again in the same darkness and again I started walking and walking.

But this time I lost hope, because, I knew I would never go back to reality.

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