Chapter 1

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There Kate was, laying on the floor. She was just standing, giving her speech about Captain Montgomery. Now, she had a bullet in her chest. Rick was over her.
"Stay with me Kate." He said. "Stay with me."
He was panicking, but he had to stay strong. "Kate, I love you. I love you, Kate." He said. He didn't regret it one bit. He kept looking at her, but her eyes fades, and he was gone. Rick tried to keep his tears inside, but he couldn't. The one person that he loved had been shot, and might never come back.

Once they arrived to the hospital, Rick stayed with Lanie and Jim.
After his little thing with Josh, Rick totally lost it.
"He's right you know? This is my fault." Rick said. He didn't listen to what his mom was saying. It was his fault. If he never pushed her to re-open her mothers case, this never happened. She wouldn't have a bullet inside of her. And it was all his fault.

A day went by and Rick went to the hospital. He bought flowers for her, not that she would notice them, but just the thought would've been nice.
Even though he had been told that it wasn't his fault, he kept thinking it was. And maybe it was, and maybe when Kate would wake up she'd think the same.

Rick was sitting on the chair next to her bed. He kept watching her heart beat on the monitor. It wasn't steady, yet, but she's getting there. The docter said she'd be fine. It's normal for a heart beat to be like this after what happened. Could be shock, could be fear no one really knew. But Rick felt comfortable that she was going to be okay.

After a couple of minutes the door flew open. It was Josh. His smile faded when he saw Rick.
"Castle." Josh said cold.
"Josh." Rick responded. "I was about to leave." And he stood up.
"You can stay, I was just checking up on her heart beat."
"Okay." Rick said and sat back down in the chair. "Any news?"
"Why do you care?"
"Because she's my friend."
"She never was your friend. She hated you. And now she might die because of you." Josh said and walked back in the room.
"She might've hated me. She might still hate me, but you don't love her either. Do you even know her?" Rick said and another doctor walked inside.
"If you two boys could fight this outside and not in this room please. The patient needs rest not two 5 year olds fighting next to her bad. Doctor Davidson, you have a surgery sceduled in an hour. You better prepare the patient now." Doctor Bells said.
"Yes ma'm." Josh said and walked out.
"And as for you, mr. Castle, you calm down."
"Yes. I'm sorry." Rick said and sat back down in the chair. "Maybe if you talk to her she might hear you." And the doctor left the room. Rick looked at Kate now and leaned in a bit.
"So, I hear you might hear me talking." He said soft. Not talking loud of course. "Please wake up. The precinct can't solve cases without you. I can't be without you. I need you, Kate. I love you. And being with you is what I want. I've always been in love with you, from the moment we met. Kate I can not lose you, not like this. You need to wake up and we're going to chase down the people who did this. And if you're not willing to do that I am, because I always will be responsible for this." Rick started to get water in his eyes. Without even thinking, he held her hand. He never even realized he had held it for the whole time. "I'm sorry Kate. If you hear me, please give me a sign you're alive." He hoped he would feel something squeeze his hand soft, but it didn't. "Please Kate." He kept whispering. But nothing happened. After a minute he gave up. He sat back again and watched her heart beat again.

The door opened and Jim walked inside.
"Rick. Surprised to see you here." Jim said and closed the door.
"Jim. I was about to leave actually." Rick said putting on his jacket.
"That's okay, how long have you been here?"
"All day. But I need to go to my own daughter now. Maybe, you'd like dinner with us. If you want." Rick asked nervous. What was he doing? Asking the father of the girl he likes for dinner.
"Actually I'd love to Rick. I'll drop by later." Jim said and it surprised Rick with this reaction. He was expecting some bullshit about why he shouldn't have asked, and why and he would have to explain he loved Kate and that would be awesome.
"Okay. See you later, Jim." Rick said and shook his hand.
"See you later." Jim said and walked to the chair Rick was sitting in before. Rick opened the door and before he turned to Jim.
"Oh, the doctor said that if you talk, she could calm down a bit and maybe wake up."
"Thank you for telling." Jim said and smiled. Rick wanted to say 'Always' but he could stop himself. Jim wasn't Kate.
"You're welcome." Rick said and walked out and closed the door.

Jim sat down in the chair and looked at Kate. He grabbed a picture of Johanna out of his coat pocket and laid it in the table next to her.
"Your mother always said that life was short. But Katie, you still have a life ahead of you. Don't give up just yet, don't let go. I need you. I can't lose you just yet. I can't lose you at all." Jim leaned in and held her hand. "Rick really likes you. It's written all over his face. And he can't lose you either. And I think that you think it is his fault. But it's not. It's the fault of the people who did this. So when you wake up, don't blame him." Jim said and smiled. He let go of her hand and sat back again. He kept thinking about her past times. Like the first time she walked, the first time she talked. The first time she said 'Dada' or 'Memmie'. Moments like that. Those were the moments worth living for.

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