No Hope

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Killian's POV
I get a sick feeling in my stomach and want to sit down, but I stand still to listen to what he has to say.
"What is it?," I ask.
"Well, she got damaged pretty bad. Her right arm is in a cast, we had to stitch up part of her head, and she has deep cuts and terrible bruises everywhere," he answers looking almost regretful.
"We're not sure if she's going to make t," he finishes.
I feel dizzy and before I can sit down, I black out. The last thing I remember is hitting the ground.
Charming's POV
Killian faints and we all rush to his side. The nurses shove through and take him to a separate room. I sit down next to Snow and I see that she looks terrified.
"Snow, it's going to be fine," I try to reassure her which is hard when you're not sure yourself.
" it's not. Emma is still in a coma, Killian just passed out, and Henry is terrified that he's lost the only biological family he has left. And Neal is never going to have an older sibling to look up to," the tears begin to form in her eyes. Before they fall, I wipe them all away.
"Crying won't achieve anything," I say slowly.
She nods and says,"David this could be it. We could never see her again. She could've had her last moment and it wouldn't even have been with us, her parents and I-"
Before she can say anything else, I pull her into a hug. What she just said terrified me more than anything.
Killian's POV
I wake up in a very uncomfortable bed with super thin sheets. I try to open my eyes, but the light is too bright. A nurse rushes to my side after turning down the lights.
"Are you okay?," she asks quickly.
I blink and say,"Yes I'm fine"
Before she can ask anything else, I sit up straight suddenly and ignore the spinning.
"Where's Emma?," I demand.
She smiles slightly at my concern,"She's still unconscious, hon,"
I try to hold back my urge at her sweetness that is quite annoying.
"Can I see her?"
"Hon, it's only been an hour," she states.
"Can I still see her"
"I just said its only been an hour. She's not ready for visitors quite yet," she says firmly.
"I want to see her," I growl getting more angry.
"Hon, I just said-"
I cut her off before she has the chance to say anything else,"Don't you "hon" me! I am not waiting ANY longer to see my wife! I have waited long enough and she deserves to see me, so unless you're going to knock me out, I'm going to see my wife!," I yell at her face.
She shrugs,"Okay, then"
I feel a sharp pain in my right arm and scream out in agony. Then everything goes black once again.
A/N: hey again! I surprised you guys AGAIN by updating. I had some extra time when I was supposed to be doing homework 😛 there's something coming up in the next chapter that will make all of your hearts break 😈 it's going to be an unexpected ending

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