chapter i

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---------- C h a p t e r   O n e 


     "Relax! Relax!" I'm here! I yelled in utter frustration, my voice reverberating throughout the thick and claustrophobic cavern as I swung myself from the the end of the sewer duct. "I'm here," I muttered softer now. I tossed my heavy, drenched frock coat onto the clear part of the ground, where there were no boulders, puddles of tar or bugs and stalked off toward the source of the noise that was being created by the rest of the crew- and that was an undeniable fact.


     I was in an underground cavern attached to Abryss's filthy alleys through sewer ducts (which were barely used anymore) and it was definitely hidden by a rack of heftily filled dumpsters that were rarely emptied out. So, in order to swing into and out of this place, I had to go through the trouble of hoisting dumpsters back and forth. 

     The rest of the crew were usually here from a few hours before midnight until early morning after midnight to either sell or create. The cavern walls were covered in protruding stone and rock as well as stalactites and stalagmites- with the occasional mess of dirt, tar and broken or unused gadgets.

     The cave branched out into three passageways; all of which we put to use. One branch lead into the area were all the steam machines were and where we created, cleaned and arranged the majority of our products (basically a miniature factory). The next one branched out into our meeting place, which was only accessible by those who worked here and the last one branched out into the actual market place, where we sold and bought (il)legal items. The cavern wasn't entirely humongous as if it were the queen's residential area, but we put it to equally good use.


     As I reached the clearing where I would drop off all my items for inspection and gadget-creation, Loretta scurried uup toward me with chains and metal tools rattling at her hips, her greasy bob-cut blond hair bouncing over her shoulder. There were rusting goggles strapped loosely around her forehead, descending just above her eyebrows. "Finally! Damn, there are loads of-"

     "I know," I murmured, "I know. Gus was just stalling me and plus, today's a busy day for Abryss, isn't it?"

     Loretta sighed, lifting my light pouch from my hand and swinging it at her hip. "Yeah. 'Can't believe Aramilla's soldiers are sweeping us again. . It's gonna be quite difficult trying to hide us, won't it?" Her strong brogue protruded through the walkways before she brought her oily sleeve up and ran it across her lips. 

     "Nah, I've got it under control. I swear." I sauntered beside her, with my hands stuffed deeply into my trouser pockets. "Cheers?"

     She nodded voicelessly in great doubt, however continued down the ragged pathway anyway, swinging my torn pouch from side to side. Metals and golds that I'd stolen from the vault clinked and clanged against each other, producing a loud sound that echoed into the clearing. "Where'd ya steal 'em?"

     "The vault on Hofster block. Stole 'em easily. ." I lied smoothly. "Nice and easy."



     "Crap, I mumbled underneath my breath, shuffling my feet gingerly against the damp concrete. With the clamorous noise of machines whirring, people conversing and steam-powered vehicles flying overhead or driving on the cobblestone roads, I was in no doubt that I could easily slip into the vaults without anyone noticing. The problem was that the vaults were on a much higher level than I'd predicted.

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